Someone Should be made “Accountable” ! Gore, Flannery > Gretta T and a multitude of  “gullible“ polyticians ??? THE Fake “”media” ! perhaps !

with Just “SOME”
CC Accountability ?

Hypocrisy and Bullsit >trillion $’s “Scam forestalled for “generation

Ongoing “cherry-picking > Sure

BUT few answers or response  ONLY Evasiveness ! by bueeuacratsand pseudo ScientisT and the  forever “blathering ““Twitters” !

easier to divrert “scare” attention
to threat of WWW3 Ukraine Now Israel
Now that China realises THE Issue  > THE Reality ! with Taiwan and TRUMP !
 ( Not Biden )
BUT WE ALL ‘Gotta” put up with “Albo” >  Labor > The Greenies and the “commies > Unions ! AND the “pseudo” terrorists allowed & infiltrating into AUSTRALIA

the “plebs” have got short memories and hare waking up to mini Ice Age > Global Warming >Climate Change
and the “ farce” is Now affecting the “back pocket” . . . of most ! >
“ beyond THE Joke !

Anthony Watts
“The Urban Heat Island Effect - Dramatic New Findings”
> With Dr. Roy Spencer
Nov23 Video23 ~60min
“significant: I ( UHE  estimated at 0.2 to 0.35degC per decade )

out of a satellite measured 0.8 C per 100years vs IPCC projected target of 2 to 4degC averaged” compared to the Gore 4 to 6 deg per100years ?

2023 IPCC Projection PDF
* RoySpencer > elaboraton 15/11 2023

They have since “subliminally” dropped referrence to  the “time period” 2 to 4degC per seem to hardly know ! OR obfscate n THAT !

1.6degC (actual ) compared toTHE  Gore / Flannery 4 to 6+degC ?

BUT obvious “obfuscation”
 ( Wikipedia etc ) even Now . . .  and actually deleting “peak prediction” videos etc tending to “down-play” the over-exaggeration . consequences becoming more & more apparent

“Hockey Stick” ? > Bullshit ! > unequivocally  distorted exaggerated . even “fraudulent “ ? > despite the so-called “consensus “!
Population Growth-RoyS < expand > POPGrowth-projected

IF U Plot World Population Growth over similar recent “history: vs AVERAGE
Global Temp ( &”whatever THAT REALLY Means ?”  > SAME “Hockey Stick
See Online WIKI
NOT THE WHOLE STORY EITHER ! . . . > multi-faceted

 interesting ! ? PDF PIC “Data” > Morecoming soon ! > from us / !

Unequivocal > Temperature Rise precedes CO2 increase
 by at least 100s of Years > historically

CO2 NOT Proven as the main cause > SURE ! contributory . . . maybe !
anthropogenic CO2 conceded as probably minor !

  • from many causative additive and overlapping effects !
    some positive some negative

still awaiting QUANTUM Computors ! even tho’ IT’s ALL Too OBVIOUS ! Antarctic Surface +15 to -60C ? average decadal rise +0.6C ? > Nit-picking error +/- 0.4deg C cyclic over millenia 10C . . . but U check ! “100s of scientists are still “grasping at straws” > strongly effected by Arctic “wind patterns !”
Over millenia Arctic / Antartica have been semi-tropical ( trees ) THE POLES themselves have switched several times . . . even Albanese can’t stop THAT ! > inevitable

> AND A few brains ( NOT necessaity “AI” either )
not “rigged” and with plausible “assumptions

NO Involvement of “bean counters” >politicians OR vested interest . . . AND to difficult for the “corrupt” UN (United Nations

Arctic Surface Temp Arctic SurfaceTemp 20thC expand >

comapared to seasonal -40C to 10C
ble !

After-all Explorers have been looking for the NW Passage for many Centuries

Warming ACTUALLY IS A BONUS ! > open up trade Alaska > Canada AND more-so TO RUSSIA Northern Europe with planning on a 100year “CYCLE”

The growing of e grapes in semi tropical Greenland in the Middle Ages ( ~AD1000 )and the Newfoundland, UK NthEurope has been significantly warmer at times but similarly cyclic > unexplained BUT still “hypothesized !


  • AND A few brains ( NOT necessaity “AI” either )
    not “rigged” and with plausible “assumptions
  • NO Involvement of “bean counters” >politicians OR vested interest . . . AND to difficult for the “corrupt” UN (United Nations

Unequivocal > Temperature Rise precedes CO2 increase
 by at least 100s of Years > historically

but like “cattle breathing CO2” now under threat of being “culled” etc ! ( by 1/3 ? )
 . . . millions will > starve ! . . . maybe ONLY enforced in Australia
 . . .The Lucky Country”
>   one of the ONLY Country Banning Nuclear Energy  favoring “unrealistic” Renewables” by those “crazy” politicians “hell-bent” it seems on pampering to and placating China

 of GW > YES . . . IT is “anthropogenic” > simply > mainly population Growth and associated heat effects due to indirect industrialisation > heat


The Washington POST Has just “pronounced

The answer is: Not necessarily. Climate change isn’t caused by population growth. It’s caused by Greenhouse Gas emissions from burning fossil fuels.

how “definitive” THAT IS . . . surely it MUST BE True !

who needs The Data”  . . . well done Dr Roy Spencer ! . . . at least you’ve got the “guts” . . . but being “pilloried” in the process of “honesty & fact gathering .
. . . being relatively “ambivolous” to THE “speculation” !

. . . the “interpretation” is th real problem by “dick-head” ? . . . “Consensus”

Population GROWTH to some extent > proven to be self- regulating depending on Rise in “AVERAGE” “standard of living” World-WIDE and diversionarly efforts of the Internet and TV in those “developing” Countries > sub-Sahara Africa, majority of the “explloited”/i gnorant  MiddleEast ,Sth America etc

Now China’s population is now “ageing” whereas India IS exploding greater than> China’’s >1.4Billion NOW !

Consequences THYY realise what they’re missing out ON ! mass immigration > terrorisn > unrest and after centuries of Western “exploitation < ongoing but now publicised slavery”

arguably perhaps ? but NOT YET Considered / realised” > civil unrest everywhere . . . a real dilemna for Society ??? . . . more-so then the relative” “pettiness of GW /( mpre potentially > a coming mini-IceAge ! ) > CC
. . .  ALL inevitable anyway > immutable ! a la “King Canute” !
fatalism > pragmatism . .  certainly so far Civilisatuon has manage to survive
> to adapt > try to ameliorate The consequences AND be prepared
to “learn from History”
. . . at least pre Scientists “knowingly” tell us The Universe is “doomed’” . . .  at least over Billions > Trillions of Earth “years” !
SO pre-plan optimistically”
HAVE “FAITH” ! . . . those religious ”zeolots” might ( still” pretend to profess ! )

“Cull the population” > WWW3 anf the  Mathusian “edict of the 19th Century promulgated by the Duke of Edin and Greenpeace etc ( “Earths population needs to be “culled by “any means” from 7 Billion to < 1 Billion (ASAP)   . . . doom of the ‘70s and “Ice-age pedictions “ . . . which lost favor by the now proven “short-term- “reality”

All > Another “Nostradamus”! > see current  PDF

 . . . but “ad finitum” . . . “scare campaigns” contrived > diversionary . . .
delusion ? >>> “paranoia

“a la” ?. . .  ( not to be misconstrued as being anything to do with religion !)

-     resurgence of COVID19 > but “obvious” seasonal thunderstorm and “pollen” > “mental numbness” symptoms: . . . downplayed by the “medicos” > understandably
-     the extorted report of mystery  “purple lakes” in the USA - all but effects of drought Salt build up and well known  algae “blossoms” > re source of Vitamin A ( betaCarotene ) Hi -ech Victorias BioTech mini-“scam” of the 1960s and later > current algae bio-fuel “scams”
& scientifically improbable AND nigh-on  Impossible > unrealistic !
> a “hyperbowl” absurd distraction from the real Biotech Phamacutical boom in Australia

but WHAT’S happened to THE real Science > “pseudo” ( faked ) Science
. . . bought off by The Politicians ??? eg those elements in Universities > CSIRO
for example >>> gender politics >”wokism” of the masses . . . generally !
“ woke” is actually an “oxymoron” . . . in reality U must look it up !

SAD ! . . . So On > on ! it goes !

> a “running commentary !

with some real facts BUT Pro & Cons !

You won’t find Any of This
on the ABC ! ( AUS > US > UK etc )
. . . blatantly biased as they and the “media” in general obviously are !

 to “paraphrase” the likes of Andrew Bolt, Paul Murray > Rowan Dean < SkyNEWS
> > > we present it here !.
 . . so U don’t un-nececessarily need to “waste your time !

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