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OEM (& Restek ! ) Literature    generally is updated regularly > ”OLDER”  material on this Site is  for
Our “archive”€ Purposes - and as a Customer TECHNICAL Resource for U ! & >Your Subscription to Restek
see Restek Catalogs > 2009-10, 2011-22015-6 > but some items no longer available / superseded ! : ASK !
Printed Catalogs
  R NO LONGER AVAILABLE from Restek ! ( latest was 2015-16 ! > & here on-line ! )

What Is Spectroscopy ?
Gas FTIR still very much R&D & commercially a “protected” species>IT seems ?

but about “ideas
> more BLOG !

*PICARRO ( Ring-down Spectroscopy )
> highly expensive > & far too “proprietary” yet !)

FTIR Crash Course in FTIR  by Gasmet VIDEO Video
FTIR-WhitePaper-2024 PDF
GT5000 DataSheet PDF
GT5000-Terra-Safety-Brochure-web-2020 PDF
APP  Greenhouse gas fluxes from experimental dairy barnyards Dr. Mark Powell.pdf

Protea FTIR Vs. GC in Gas Analysis PDF
Protea AtmosFTIR

  • A Replacement for many GC Apps
  • a huge compedia o revolutionary Gas Analysis instruments
  • analayis of up to 50 mixture components by HighRes IR simultaneously
  • Anyhing which has a NON- symmetrical molecule
    eg but NOT H2, O2, N2, Ar,He, CCl4 (? perhaps)
    but also highly specific for toxics, NO2, NH3,
  • some ~ 100ppB to low  % !

normally large spectra cell(Quartz)200cc
> very long path length ( via multi reflection cells ) determines sensitivity > LODs
HIgh Flow rates >a few 100cc/min > 1 litre/min

revolutionary development over “many” decades albeiit very much in the hands of R&D “gurus: > ‘till recently > “restrictive” patents expriring ? and the marketing being freed

Problems ( for us !)

High Tech , ultra-expensive, protected by “academics”
market dominate by business “gurus” protective > “attempts to corner the market”
perhaps stifled by patents ?

  • NEEDS INNOVATION  and commercialising
    Maybe PROTEA Systems ? (watch this space ! )
  • at least NO LN required ( ambient and MAX Temp ???)
  • a design compromise,  resolution vs speed and need for a sample drier
  • vs COST!  . . . and hopefully now within reason !


now MKS  ( > a “megopoly” > far too big for us  ?and  “ still a-bit-over-the-top ? “ )

  • cell Temps ambient to ~190degC MAX (Viton seal?) > but with the beauty of GraphiteFerrules (?)> 450C + Max ? ( maybe even higher ! . . . might they Be-a-Ware ! . . . IF ever ! .. . BUT Even WE can HELP Here ? !
  • scans > 1/sec
  • MKS 70cc Cell and inert ( DURSAN-coated
    > apparently LN cooling require > a major limitation for practical use and TOO New car emission level technology ?
  • but the High Res > does apparantly reduce interference from water & CO2
    5scans/sec but up to 10HZ
                                                                   > My guess > “megabucks” ?

In Australia don’t confuse with MKS(Foods) a “Take-a-Way”
 but also listed by John Morris > amongst “ many others” !

> the WORLD DOES Evolve < AND at the “speed of light” via “THE Internet”
> that’s if U can ever sort “ the Good “ out from the proverbial  “crap”
but MKS ??? anyone !

in hindsight !

  • IF YOU Are desperate to get the “approved” Answers >
     like Climate Change > Energy > COVID etc
  • Won Tatts Lotter o just another Elon Musk >>> perhaps !
  • The “Market” is somewhat “captured” already

> just awaiting the Chinese to “  re-invent It !

Single Element Sensor
Multiple cell System NOW emerging as in-Series Sensor ”systems”

> & Affordable

generally large cells, path length for enhanced sensitivity

100ppM to100%v/v sensitivity

Manual Injection ( small sample 1-5cc)into a flowing purified gas stream
> @ reduced sensitivity - possibilities !
eg biochem APPS

:   fermentation cells ( CH4/CO2 Greenhouse R&D “ projects”,
:   CO2 sequestration

ASK ! re “unique” Analytical possibilities !

BUt we try NOT to speculate too much on projects viability
> often in the “lap of the gods” authentic scientists and not the folly of
“pseudo” scientists > the media and somewhat ignorant bureaucrats > politicians ? >
“extremists” >  even potential “terrorists”
 nor “mere” money-grubbing opportunists ! > Now ALL becoming Too prevalent !

  • Chromalytic > intense interest !
  • “Collaboration” seeked
  • NOT for the” Faint-of-Heart” ( Guts !)

    All scope for expanding on MY “BLOGS”


Our “general “policy” is to educate the Analyical Chemistry scientific community to new technology /
- NOT necessarity just to “money-grub” like “scammers” or unscrupulous web “pirates” > competitors nor the “spin” attributed to bureaucracies & Govts to enforce “vested interests” via political pre-judjements in order to re-direct “biased Science”

At Question

We don’t condone . . . ANY misuse of “Science & Technology”

  • money grubbing > no-merit R&D > pointless ? > infitesimal return ( ROI )without ANY priority consideration !
  • agree with by “PEER-Review” “blind”  assessment of ‘NEW ideas’ . by definition flawed into acceptance of “old” and often with obvious flawed “ Consensus-type ” connotations
  • The use of R&D for vested interests > “built-in-obsolesence” factors exploited to the Max by The Chinese and others > generally !
  • - ALLcondoned / exploited / sponsored by Govts to “create employment vested “economies” and to “rip-off” mug-consumers ( GST “Scams” etc”
  • often just to cover up their own mismanagement / corruption / malfeasance ineptitude

    The prime WW examples being current Australian and State Govts aided-and-abetted by  >
     “dumbed-down” and susceptible consumers a la “bribed” voters but also by corrupt / highly biased elements of the “Media” in general
    >   Illogical political “parties ( “The Greens” > “Teals” > Unions etc  and tacticts of some devious “Immigrants” > Terrorists into blackmailing politiciansFor example Vietnemese “refugees” legislated as auto VISA IF the had “accumulated AUD500k to “invest” business into Australia
  • almost by definition ex-Viet politicians > crooks . . . including “druggies”

Our more involvement ? > as opportunities continue to open-up !
. . . belatedly perhaps ?

Let us be part of “YOUR” Learning curve we’ll leave it up to the “bean counters” to try
exploit the situation the best they see fi

THE World “powers that be” have little to No regards for patents anyways > particularly the Chinese / Russion ? Drug Oliogarchs collective “cartel(s)”
 >   the“extortion of small inventors” > business !
The R&D agenda is often designed to prolong getting positive Results > to extend Govt Funding to the MAX even by false idealogues ( aka Global Warming /  Energy Crisis etc and/or false economy issues
> OR just to create otherwise useless jobs . . . “pad” the political “bureaucracy”  of “socilalist-type” Govts and entrenched “favorable enforced voters . . in Australia
203 ~2.5million on exhorbitant “bribe-level” >$400k salaries plus life-time “perks”

  • 350,300 employees in Commonwealth government (including defence force personnel);
  • 1,871,900 in state government; and
  • 208,200 in local government.
    Not accounting for extortionist “condoned salaries of “business CEOs” and “cronies” >“entrenched “eased-out” ex- politicians on a disproportionate $20million + pa + to 50-100 times average workers > CRAZY “ Suff ! What do you really expect from Our PM on $500k pa
  • They bide their time unaccountable position> ineptidude . . . awaiting THEIR forced retirement > “jobs for the boys” . . . The “ROT” has Set-in > irreversible “greed” . . . it would  seem !

So WHO are THE Mugs !   )
The “Consequences” . . .  re Scientific Principles” > Cause and Effect ! . . . more-so “long term > for future generation > BUT WHO CARES we’re ALL doomed by “Climate Change“ “anyway . . . paranoia > distraction  AND “THEIR” UltimateJustification ?


-   > defraying piority on real World issues; poverty, disease and even tackling “real” Enviro  > more-so >issues
or extreme of colluding > inventing or grossly exaggerating  “artificial”> “scare” campaigns “in cohoots” with publicity seeking Media
-   All THIS ! > which often exacerbates social “disruption”  and mental health problems amongst the general “populace: grossly distorting “medical systems”  and encouraging criminality

Instead the “prime Example > Dan Andrew ( ex-Premier / Victoria ) actually absolved himself by “forced” legislation of ANY offence. . .  for ANY reason  > FOREVER ?
just like China’s Premier/Dictator Ping or Putin
HE Should be in “gaol” and NOT RECEIVING The OoA Australias “GONG “OF Merit”

see also our “NEW” Technologies www.chromtech.net.au/newtechnologies.htm >intro
prime examples being
glass capillary columns technolgy commercialisation
“fast” GC
and our intense interest in TOF-MS ( and via some similar-mindeda collegues) at the ANZMSS )
‘thru  the ‘70s-80s >
HP CounterCurrentLC
& more recently new FTIR in particular as a potential replacement for GC
 AND THAT’sobviously ”my specialy“& my “Hobby” > and proving my non bias !
thwarted perhaps by other such “vested” interests >  !
 / suspect of the anti-radiation SCARE Campaigns > . . arguably > almost !
Personally I heve been intensely interested in ALT Nuclear Energy since the ‘70s
also at the risk of being also CANCELLED by the “(Australian) Establishment “mentality” !

symptomatic  and the history of “science & technology” ? > that’s life I guess ! Smiley-s

CT > Spectroscopy FTIR
( & my “Blog” ) . . . (cont)


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