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[NewEra SyringePumps] [NE UTube Videos] [NE-SP-Applications] [Syringe Heater] [NE Spare Parts-Maintenance] [NE-SP_Dual-Continuous] [NE-9000 Upgrade] [Syringe Pump Accessories] [SyringePumpPro Software-m5] [NE Pump Q-As] [NE-SPP Videos]

Example NewERa Syringe Pump Applications

In the many years that we have been designing and manufacturing syringe pumps, we have come across hundreds of applications. If your application is not listed or if you have a new application, please give us a call.

  • High Pressure
  • Electrospinning
  • Microfluidics
  • Continuous Operation Dispensing System (Push-Pull
  • Variable Concentration/Constant Flow
  • Automated Dispensing System
  • Anti-Drip

High Pressure
Many end users deal with highly viscous fluids. For these applications, we have a few accomodations.

We have a high pressure syringe pumps including the NE-1010 and NE-510, NE-511, NE-510L, NE-511L.
Our Syringe Heater Kit, by heating up the fluid, can reduce the viscosity of your fluid.
If you are heating your media, you will likely need either a Glass or Stainless Steel Syringe.

Electrospinning uses an electrical charge to draw very fine (typically on the micro or nano scale) fibres from a liquid which is dispensed at a constant rate from a syringe pump. Common pumps used for electrospinning are the NE-300, NE-500 & NE-1000.
You can reference some university studies on our research papers webpage which sites, among other topics, universities that have used our pumps for electrospinning research.
Contact us to get information on properly performing electrospinning with our syringe pumps.
Many electrospinning users need to heat their polymer. A great way to heat your polymer is with our market exclusive Syringe Heater Kit.
Also, if you are heating your polymer, you will likely need either a Glass or Stainless Steel Syringe.

Microfluidics deals with the behavior, precise control and manipulation of fluids that are geometrically constrained to a small, typically sub-millimeter, scale. Typically, micro means one of the following features:
-   small volumes (nl, pl, fl)
-   small size
-   low energy consumption
-   effects of the micro domain
It is a multidisciplinary field intersecting engineering, physics, chemistry, microtechnology and biotechnology, with practical applications to the design of systems in which such small volumes of fluids will be used. Microfluidics emerged in the beginning of the 1980s and is used in the development of inkjet printheads, DNA chips, lab-on-a-chip technology, micro-propulsion, and micro-thermal technologies.

Many of New Era's pumps are used for microfluidics, however, we have a specific pump, the NE-1002X Microfluidics Syringe Pump, which has the specific capacity to smoothly deliver fluids in nl and pl amounts.
The NE-1002X is the best in the market because it delivers the smoothest flow by having the least
amount of pulses.
You can reference some university studies on our research papers webpage which sites, among other
topics, universities that have used our pumps for microfluidics research.

Continuous Operation Dispensing System (Push-Pull)
Quickly and economically create a continuous operation dispensing system with 2 pumps in reciprocating operation.
 With just an automation cable and a valve system, the pumps can be synchronized to infuse while the
other is refilling, and start and stop simultaneously.

Variable Concentration/Constant Flow
Control a chemical's concentraion from an external voltage source. Using 2 pumps, one for the chemical
and one for the dilution fluid, attach each pump to an AnaBox™ analog controller.
With both pump systems attached to the same voltage control, as the chemcial pump changes flow rate,
 the dilution fluid compensates its flow rate to add up to a constant flow rate system.

Automated Dispensing System
The NE-1000 can be setup as an automated dispensing system which dispenses a set volume after a programmed time delay.
Then after each dispense, a small volume can be sucked back to prevent dripping.

A multiple chemical dispensing application can be implemented with multiple pumps.
The pumps can be configured to send signals between them to synchronize the dispense and react to changes in sensors.

Setup an infusion/withdrawal dispensing system to automatically synchronize itself after a power failure
by attaching a refill sensor.

Pre-program an entire production shift's dispenses on an automated production line.
Each dispense can be a different volume and flow rate. Change flow rates during dispenses.
Synchronize the start of each dispense with an external signal from other equipment, the operator
pressing the 'Start' button, pressing a foot switch, or automatically after a time delay. Have the pump
sound a beep to alert the operator at any time.

Prevent dripping after a dispense by programming a volume to be sucked back after each dispense.

CT > NE SP Applications

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 some of Our Other Main OEM Suppliers !

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 some of Our “KEY “ Products

[CHROMTECH Products] [PlasticFittings-ValuePlastics-m5] [SPE-SamplePrep-m5] [ALT PlasticFittings2022-m5] [Syringes-m5] [PlasticSyringes NormJect-m5] [Gas Sampling Bags-m5] [NEW Vial Products-m5] [Crimpers-2012Update] [IDEX FITTINGS ALL-m5] [Chromatography Fittings-m5] [Chromatography Tubing-m5] [Ferrules-m5] [Graphite Ferrules-m5] [PeakSimple DataSystem-m5] [Instrumentation Valves-m5] [Filtration Accessories-m5] [Detectors-GC-m5] [HPLC Detector Lamps 09-m5] [Chromatography Products-Main-m5]

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