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MalsCart  > mini SHOPPE  proto-Shop2CT > “OUR Consensus”> CC<GW & Energy BLOGs >

& a
HI-TECH “Resource”
> 4 U !

some of Our Other
 OEM Suppliers

key” Products


> -m5 > -m4

CT-Logo > about Us!

> a Shorcut !
& > ../chromtech

but see Scams
> New”Phishes”


CHROMTECH :  Specialists in Chromatography
Chromatography Fluid Transfer Products :
& FOR ! All Your Laboratory Needs !
- Importers & Distributors in AUSTRALIA


GoogleThis CHROMTECH Site-2022

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Sub Index

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Our “External” Sites )

NEW 2018-23+

FlipHML5 Site Catalog Library
flip.chromalytic.net.au ( & fairly “responsive” ! )

PC  ><  Mobile
TECH Overview TickOK

Our “WIX“ Site > & a much improved “responsive” >
Mobile >< PC SITE

Fittings Specs-Codes

Fittings  > Codings are a nightmare
particularly threads, tubing sizes, types of connector-endpieces/
CHROMTECH specialises in Laboratory type Applications Tube Sizes from capillaty to ~3/8”

NOT larger industrial types & sizes

- these are available to Order

but often Import and MOQs are required
and currently with CP / COVID extensive lead times ( almost prhibitive)

GOOD As VP are we are seeking other sources of similar Plastic Fittings that are More “reliable”

NOT Just as another reseller ! but direct from”Fair Dinkum”OEMs

. . .   > this is an attempt by Chromtech to rationalise a
Coding System appllicable  for Customers / End-Users specifying

  • “exactly” what they want for a particular APP
  • simplifying Ordering parts from Us !
  • we source and “translate” for you “Cat.#s, Part.#s etc for various OEMs & pretenders who we have sorted out FOR YOY !
    There are in fact countless OEMs worldwide offering often similar “parts” perhaps with the same or very similar specs
  • but How many of theses Chinese would YOU TRUST ?

Some are more “exotic”, some for more specific APPS

But MANY are just resellers of resellers
or unidentified “OEMs”

ALL fittings OEMS have ”bastardised” Codes to suit and have their own individual “generalised” system

Tube Sizes + base on ID
> various OD
> various Hardness ( Durometer )
> Chemical Compatability
genrally supplied “Non-sterile” OEM Clean; NOT Sterile ( supposedly “sterile”
but not necessarily  legal ?) > beWARE !

TGA are very pedantic in process use, and storage times ( from OEM / DOM )
Home Use “in boiling water”, heat sterilisation, :hypochlorite” wash ( bleach )

may be adequate for Vaccine, anti-virus APPS\or similar or otherwise “legislated” methods like >

lock downs, mask-wearing, No Kids playgaounds, No playing golf or tennis or attending AFL Grand Finals to “Comrade” Dans’s “whim” re COVID19 > “exaggerated Pandemic !
NO “Right” demonstartion BUT “Greenie“, DLM. “Left” demos are quite OK ! and obviousy “police and TGS approved  “ > NOT subject to ANY penalty

Most local Medical/Hospital resort to
in-house sterilisation methods
Autoclave > ethylene oxide gas > UV >
gamma radiation as approved by TGA
( FDA in the USA )

material & APP delendant !

Business registration
> to resell and to use “legally”

100=1/16” ID
16000=1” ID


Metric Equivalents
m0.05, 50u
m0.4, 0.4mm
m0.5  0.5mm
m0.75 0.75mm
m1, 1mm
m4, 4mm - 5/32”
m6, ( 6.35mm )


Stainless Steel -SS > Silcosteel -SIC
Brass -B
Copper -C
Plastic / Polymeric

-6005 Polypropylene
Nylon -2 Black / White -1
PolyCarbonate -9
-J1A /( Kynar )

Silicone : Platinum / Peroxide Cured
TPE ThermoPlasticElastomer
Peristaltic Tubing > various

Laboratory / Chromatography Grade


PPS ( polyPhenykSulfide
FluoroPolymers :Teflon; PFA, FEP (transparent : ETFE/Tefzel,( Rad resistant )

PPS ( polyPhenykSulfide lower cost PEEK)
CTFE ( harder form of Teflon-like)
Stainless Steel

Barb Sizes

 Value Plastics
- incredible range for optimum performance, re pressure soft > Hard Tubin > sizes are a bit academic as many tubing materials “stretch” by 10 to 50% re Pressure >
Extra Pressure use Tubing Clip if OD > = ~1/4”

Barb Styles-A

Barb Styles-B
in hindsight during COVID19 VP are struggling to produce due to Govt demands
possibly just copies of other OEMs commercial products just aimed by them to “lock-in customer as replacement items” for their own products
“mass production” in case it ever eventuates
might explain why some VP items have MOQs or
10,000 or higher

in hindsight probably VP has proven to have been a bit too ambitious / over-commited since a
“start-up” in the ‘90s

ALL of these barb seem to be offered even tho’ arguably of Only “academic” interest perhaps ?

Ceetainly for low production R&ED purpose most od these are interchangable for all intentents & purposes

MOST lab / Industrial OEMs standardise on a Series200 barb-type for medium>Most Applications

OUR Choice for our Australian Stocking purposes


“Common” GeneralPurpose Barb - Typical Sizes ONLY

Barb 200Series

see more detailed summary VP 2019 PDF 148-165  VP Part  Properties

CT > FittingsSpecs-CODES

> a TECH Resource for Analytical Chemists ! CT Chromatogrphy  > 
PIC Gallery > via the “courtesy” of ”Our” GOOGLE SEARCH
PICs >
PDF LINKs > Good IDEAS : Gadjets

Email-Us U'r Feedback

GoogleThis CHROMTECH Site-2022


the Web "Ask" chromtech.net.au


Tick OK Updated !

We’d Welcome YOUR   e-Mail /chat  Response >
but YOUR “Hi-TECH“ “Feedback” is also most Welcome

WE R Here 2 4 E-mail CHAT !


Corrections ! > ALL ( > MANY ) “HTM” links with “ “  or a “%20” ( space ) in the URL
now are “auto-fixed” on-line by NOF15
NOT with “%20” but with “ -” ( hypen ) instead & are NOW W3C / HTML5  OK ! 
“ _ “ ( underscore ) are also  accepted !
with NO dreaded “404” errors !* FlipHTML5 & PDFs ar NOT effected by this “farcical”>”anomaly” !

NOW ? > (“simlpy” ] use TAWK Tick-sfrom ~31Mar24+ but still  ? >
& evolving ! albeit TAWK “HELP”itself Is Still a bit “farcical” ! Re AI > garbage-IN > OUT ! . . . but still 2-5year away to minimise obvious “scams > “phishing” etc?
Until ALL such OEM > Marketing Cos’ > GET REAL ! FREE ?
BUT Still within LIMITS ! U must Pay for necessary extra IF U need to Install ?

“Real AI”?

 some of Our Other Main OEM Suppliers !

[CHROMTECH Suppliers-m5] [SR! GCs-m5] [SRIGC-PriceList-m5] [Biotech_Fluidics] [VICI-Jour-NewProducts-m5] [Instrumentation-VICI-m5] [VICI-PrecisionSampling-m5] [xRestek Chromatography-m5] [NewEra SyringePumps-m5] [PlasticFittings-ValuePlastics-m5] [ALT PlasticFittings2022-m5] [PeakSimple DataSystem-m5] [Membrane Solutions-m5] [Kebby Crimpers-m5] [NUTECH Air Monitoring]

 some of Our “KEY “ Products

[CHROMTECH Products] [PlasticFittings-ValuePlastics-m5] [SPE-SamplePrep-m5] [ALT PlasticFittings2022-m5] [Syringes-m5] [PlasticSyringes NormJect-m5] [Gas Sampling Bags-m5] [NEW Vial Products-m5] [Crimpers-2012Update] [IDEX FITTINGS ALL-m5] [Chromatography Fittings-m5] [Chromatography Tubing-m5] [Ferrules-m5] [Graphite Ferrules-m5] [PeakSimple DataSystem-m5] [Instrumentation Valves-m5] [Filtration Accessories-m5] [Detectors-GC-m5] [HPLC Detector Lamps 09-m5] [Chromatography Products-Main-m5]

CT Introduction2021>+

CT-About Us

x ~195ea+


ReadThis First ! (only1p)

preferably Talk to US ! via e-mail > CHAT ? >spasmodic & NOT AI !

NEW miniCart2022

but NOW “focus”
on OUR -m 5 ! pages

on Your Mobile ?
& “responsive !
> You may need to “Zoom’ ! ?
“+Pinch & Rotate”but > OK ! ?
as a preview ! THEN > any PC !
for THE Detail !  but Then FOCUS on -m5

Flip Bookcase >100s>catalogs


  see here !

2023-10 > Try-It!
“MS-Bing” SEARCH !

Add Bing Search Bar

* multiple Word Step Search Much Improved Over Google
> & add 
“chromtech + Australia”
to Your “Keywords

& even BETTER for ALL
of  Us !

> very “Useful” ! BUT NOT without IT’s
“idiosynchrasies” TOO !

BUT it IS ! “AI” ???

NOW ! >
MS-Copilot & FREE !

> extended Versions for
MS Office APPs
> even more AI
BUT U need to “register”
& THEN U must PAY for IT ? !


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* Index-Extended
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& with Fly-outs

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