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CC >< GW & Finite>” Energy  ? > BLOGs(>“woke” )

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CHROMTECH :  Specialists in Chromatography
- Fluid Transfer Products : & 4 All Your Laboratory Needs !
- Importers & Distributors in AUSTRALIA

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ALT SItes (Index)

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> Our other Main OEMs
“Key” Products

-m4 pages are NOT necessariy ” responsiive “ > but scaled “> “pseudo”  mobile !
Some OEM Products ( File-prefix > “ X “ s > “ 404 Error   have been “ Archived “

Manual PDFs are still available ! for reference  ONLY ! > 
but ASK ! as we may offer ALTs ! > Flip HTML5 !

Restek Literature generally is updated regularly > Older
 material is kept for “archive” Purposes > and as a Customer
TECHNICAL Resource see 2011-22015-6 (& Current) Catalogs,
but some items are no longer available / superceded ! > ASK !
Printed Catalogs also have been  discontinued by Restek !

TO All NEW Customers
. . . but a reminder to ALL
     Chromalytic Disclaimer

With all due respect . . . As of 2016+

     . . . We will no longer accept Phone orders or CC Payment by phone - CONFIRMATION is Always required in writing PayPAL Invoice is confirmation Any Bank Transfer must be with your Purchase Order
NO REVERSALS of the Transaction will be accepten without substantiation
by e-mail (preferred)  or fax ( Banks at their discretion do no favors for us
/ the vendor in case of disputes ! )
Altho’ we Do welcome phone enquiries and RFQs
 - And YES we DO answer the bloody phone
 And NO Twith  those dumb answering machine

Payment preferred > using CC via PayPAL ( & we send the PP Invoice
. . . but on Your request ! )

1    Any . . . ACCOUNT Orders
    will be processed only on receipt of official Company Letterhead
Purchase Order & Terms as agreed :

CASH Orders
-   Payment by CC using on-line PayPAL or Bank Transfer can be made
 . . . in advance OR by arrangement.
Goods will NOT  be released for shipment until the Bank receipt is received by us
by e-mail ( or fax ) 
OR the funds actually appear in our Bank account ( bear in mind the Banks
 may sit on the money for up to 3 or 4 days


  • YOU must follow OUR instructions explicitly.
  • YOU accept THE LIMITATIONS of our “proto” Carts and any ”errors’
    will be adjusted by us before shipping ANY Goods.
  • Note : most Carts are simplistic and prone to “errors ) We will confirm YOUR Order
     with Our ORDER Confirmation BEFORE processing AND Shipment.
    generally AFTER YOUR PAYMENT !

Invoice Prices may also be adjusted to current Prices in Our SYSTEM Database,
for example for ANY Extraordinary Currency Exchange
Rate Fluctuations . . . 
re Our Purchasing from International Suppliers Or where Goods are being exported

1    ALL Purchase Orders / Quotation requests must be in writing e-mail or fax
2    We respond with a formal quote AND Order Confirmation and then
the PayPAL  INVOICE is sent on request
3    Your written Purchase Order needs to be returned to us by fax or scanned e-mail.
with Street Delivery address for Courier
with / without CC details
signed and with printed Customer Name
Both permanent Phone No and Mobile No (as a back up) are required
All this to be detailed on each Order Form
4    On completion of shipment and payment confirmation
Then we send you a PAID Tax Invoice.
5    If in doubt  re - your presence at delivery address then YOU must 
make alternative arrangements with us
We accept NO RESPONSIBILITY for missing or late deliveries
 . . . outside of our control
YOU can use your Freight Courier to Pick up from Chromalytic Tech
232 Forest Rd, Boronia, 3155
AFTER we confirm shipment is ready for pick up
7    At Your request We will ship to your preferred nearest Courier Depot >
TNT or Hunter Express.
 . . . YOU determine the details of this address and make ALL the arrangements
8     All responsibility for Goods pass to you the Purchaser once in the
hands of our or your Courier
9     The transaction is completed with our Tax Invoice after goods have
been shipped
10    FRAGILE Goods - NO responsibility for breakages in transit is
accepted by us - the low cost PRICING reflects
THIS risk ALL Care and Diligence is used by Us !

Tell us . . . If you have any difficulties with Any of this

(update2019 PDF)
OR complete this manually and return by e-mail

Signature :


Dated :


First Name :


Company Name :

Dept :





Address :

Street :

City :

Post Code :





E-mail :


    Phone No :



We reserve the right do do business with you or your Company
strictly under OUR Terms
 And NOT to do business with customers who can Not
or Will Not comply
Or even those who may tend to obfuscate with Us

Government Orders or those from “Large” Companies . . .
SPECIFYing 30>60>90days
Or whatever will NOT be accepted !.

DISCLAIMER ( see also Disclaimer 10-m4 )
      1  FRAGILE Goods . . . ALL Due care and diligence in packaging; but once in the hands of Couriers
 it is out of (our) Control. Breakages are at Customers Risk
and replacement Cost.
( 50ml and 100ml glass Vials can be problematic in small Qtys
 - pallet loads are generally OK into Chromalytic)
       2    Customer must CHECK our Order Confirmation for accuracy and notify Chromalytic of ANY Discrepancies
BEFORE WE SHIP / incorrect addressing and any special delivery instruction
( . . . IF No signature on delivery as required is possibl >THEN on your instruction to Courier
“leave in a safe place” . . . AND to be specified by You !
if a private address then entirely at customers RISK and responsibility !
      3   Customers are advised to read ALL relevant documentation
Our websites and those of our Suppliers.
NO CLAIMS accepted for users misunderstanding of technical details prior to ordering.
 if ANY uncertainties ? > then ASK !
ANY Returns 25% restocking Charge will apply
- but” other” conditions may also apply !

CUSTOMER DECLARATION see PDF Form update (2020) >2023

I ( your name )

of Company :

Dept :

Your Co Position : 






the user of products purchased from Chromalytic Technology Pty Ltd
( the Supplier )

Signature :


declare . . . >

  • these products are being used for Laboratory, experimental, R&D use, and for the evelopment of prototypes. etc
  • where used in production of commercial products the USER
    expected to perform all due diligence
  • this technolgy ’these high tech” products are NOT being used
    or diverted for ILLEGAL use or contrary to regulations set by . . .
    for example TGA and other authorised / ”certified” regulatory bodies.
  • ANY reference to medical or pharmaceutical products is incidental and in particular does NOT imply such are necessarily suitable for use in medical procedures or that they are supplied “Sterile” > Internationional Sterility Regulations can be ambiguous and may NOT apply in Australia

Chromalytic Technology accepts NO liability for any use or misuse of such products for ANY purpose whatsoever
and expects ALL customers to perform all “due diligence” and “common sense” in their use.The
Customer / the “end- user” accepts all liability for such use within and outside the Law

  • If intended for resale the USER needs to ensure they
    comply with ALL legal requirement regarding
    -   GST
    -   Dangerous Goods if applicable
    -   proper business procedures are followed

the User Acknowledges and understands
Chromalytic Technologys TRADING TERMS
see www.chromtech.net.au/trading terms-m5.htm  for Any updates

and accepts the following . . .
DISCLAIMER of products NOT to be used for injectables for human or animal use without appropriate QA / QC and certification by the appropriate regulatory Authorities and NOT to be directed at illegal or potentially criminal use.

In all circumstances - the actual User of Chromalytic products
must be technically competent and trained with the necessary skills, experience and supervision if / as needed.

ALL use or misuse of such products is the sole responsibility
of the User

USER accepts responsibility for determining the SUITABILITY
of the products  for ANY intended purpose

No Authorisation is given by Chromalytic or may be implied
for Export or re-Export of Goods outside of Australia

the USER : is the Purchaser of the Goods from
 Chromalytic Technology Pty Ltd ( “Chromtech” )
( the Supplier ) and is duly responsible to comply with ALL legalities : business regulations, Taxation etc

Chromalytic accepts NO RESPONSIBILITY for ANY misuse, NEGLECT or for YOUR Dumbness or due to ANY inflictions such as Drug Influence, Parkinsons Diseases, senility or insanity. ! proven Or otherwise !
Nor being a Politician, Public Servant or Govt Bureaucrat is accepted  as an excuse for incompetence, negligence or stupidity !

This Declaration will be revised as necessary to conform with any current or future legal ( or otherwise ) requirements
. . . & OUR Choice . . . > at Our Discretion !

It is YOUR Responsibility to sign this and send / e-mail PDF
copy / version back to us

by default  > . . . failing to do this means you “completely” Accept responsibilty and Any . . . ramifications, consequences arising > there-from !

YOU must be a “legally responsible “
AND Company Authorised person !

. . . NO NOT “ necessarily just the gardener”
 or a “fly-by-night” Co “occasional” Director “on-the-board” !

Instrumentation DISCLAIMER

Chromalytic IMPORTS from various OEM Countries
They are certified in respectively eg CE, TUV, GS, NRTL from
USA, Canada, China, UK Europe, Japan but each with their own licensing regimes

Equipment Installation

Offered by Chromaytic on a RESTRICTED / Limited basis

Advisory Only - in presence of appropriately qualified AND certified technical customer staff - particularly relevant for large Corporations, or Educational Institutes, Industrial Co’s

-  where “the bureaucracy has got “out of hand” and certified
 / licensed tradesmen, , on-site engineers are deemed essential to actually do the “ hands-on ” work even to install s’ware and to “change a light bulb”

Gas Chromatographs require in-house “Company approved” specialists
     Computers  IT
     Gas Plumbers
     Pipe Fitters
     Fluid Engineers
     Chemists ( of course ! ) > Chromatographers

“ abilty to “push a pen > paperwork
AND with “ an ounce of common sense ”

Other equipment sold by Chromalytic require other specialists training  and expertise in Operating Use

Vacuum Technology ( GC/MS, pumps”)
Motorised devices Heat and cooling > refrigeration

ALL SAFETY aspects must be assumed by the user with ONLY skilled
 and trained technicians . . . as appropriate

as deemed necessary by the “nanny State” in Australia, and its’ various
States and Territories

It is assumed Companies have done their due diligence in this respect
AND for assuming ALL costs that may be involved prior or subsequent
purchasing of such equipment

Any equipment is supplied to customers in an “AS IS” condition
as supplied by the respective OEMs in their Country of Origon
and  according to their local licensing requirements

As per OEM Catalogs or their respective on-line Websites

Chromalytic accepts NO responsibility WHAT-SO-EVER
for ANY oversights in Customers / Companies NOT getting
the appropriate permissions

 ( a  Radioactive Ni63 hazard )
Dangerous Goods - storage and user license required
re Solvent use eg LC & (HPLC) and for Chemical Standards
( GC & HPLC )
TGA Therapeutic Goods - All licenses where appropriate !


Limited strictly to those pertaining to those offered by the
original manufacturers of the Goods as stated on
respective Supplier websites.
Limited to absolute Maximum of replacement part cost
. . . providing proof is given of faulty materials or workmanship.
NO INDEMNITY for any losses whatsoever !
 . . . for product failure . . . or loss of your production time.
Replacement Parts - in a timely manner
. . . NO CLAIMS for YOUR time lost or delays in shipping
outside of OUR direct control !

Resellers / Distributors

Appointments will be considered and discounts may be offered
on an “ad hoc” basis.
NO rights apply to market or advertise under Chromalytic Technology or “Chromtech” name.
OR is implied under our Supplier/Category Name.
NO legally binding agreements re Insurances Taxation are
or can be implied.
“Fake Companies and certainly “scammers” are NOT acknowledged or supported in “Anyway ! by U Nor direct involvremt with ANY soacial media In-Your-FaceBOOK, TikTOK, Twitte, GOOGLE evenr etc with out exception  !
                        >.  . . leave THAT up to  DHs and nerds”

(my) Disclaimer  : Comments (here) and on our website(s) remain the views of the author personally !
so interpret as you wish ?
 NO offence really Intended  !. . . . AND With ALL Due Respect !
WithOut Prrejudice !
but still Open 4 discussion > & Room for (YOUR) thought !

Chromtech Business Disclaimer > here !

Formal “legal? Disclaimer: The information on our website(s)
or in Our e-mails is confidential and is intended solely for the addressee
.or the attention of the “browser” ( themselves ). !
 If you are not the intended recipient (viewer), any disclosure, copying, distribution or re-direction orany action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it is prohibited and NOTnecessarily athorised !
 If you have received this e-mail by mistake please delete the original message
and any attachments from you system records !.
The sender / author accepts no responsibility for any effects this email message or attachments has on the recipient network or computer system
 or of ANYpersonal consequences > repurcussions . . . whatsoever ! ! !

> a TECH Resource for Analytical Chemists !


 > ~1000px PC Results
Or Ctrl-on this page
> results -m5

the Web "Ask" chromtech.net.au



 eMail Your Response / Feedback ? !

WE R Here 2 4 E-mail CHAT !


Corrections ! > ALL “HTM” links with “ “ (“ space “in the URL now are
“auto-fixed” on-line by NOF15 NOT with “%20” but with “-” instead & are NOW
W3C / HTML5  OK ! “_” ( underscore “) are accepted with NO dreaded “404” errors !

* FlipHTML5 & PDFs are NOT effected by this “farcical”> NET ”anomoly” !

NOW use TAWK from ~31Mar24+ Tick-s

 some of Our Other Main OEM Suppliers !

[CHROMTECH Suppliers-m5] [SR! GCs-m5] [SRIGC-PriceList-m5] [Biotech_Fluidics] [VICI-Jour-NewProducts-m5] [Instrumentation-VICI-m5] [VICI-PrecisionSampling-m5] [xRestek Chromatography-m5] [NewEra SyringePumps-m5] [PlasticFittings-ValuePlastics-m5] [ALT PlasticFittings2022-m5] [PeakSimple DataSystem-m5] [Membrane Solutions-m5] [Kebby Crimpers-m5] [NUTECH Air Monitoring]

 some of Our “KEY “ Products

[CHROMTECH Products] [PlasticFittings-ValuePlastics-m5] [SPE-SamplePrep-m5] [ALT PlasticFittings2022-m5] [Syringes-m5] [PlasticSyringes NormJect-m5] [Gas Sampling Bags-m5] [NEW Vial Products-m5] [Crimpers-2012Update] [IDEX FITTINGS ALL-m5] [Chromatography Fittings-m5] [Chromatography Tubing-m5] [Ferrules-m5] [Graphite Ferrules-m5] [PeakSimple DataSystem-m5] [Instrumentation Valves-m5] [Filtration Accessories-m5] [Detectors-GC-m5] [HPLC Detector Lamps 09-m5] [Chromatography Products-Main-m5]

CT Introduction2021>+

CT-About Us

> inc FlyOuts (& ~950 HTMs)

> Child pages & “flyouts” >

> MOB x ~ 195 books !


ReadThis First ! (only1p)


All FlipHTML5s x195

 > a FlipHTML5 BookShelf library
> Reference “Books” = ~1000s PDFs

 Flippable > & a “Shortcut”
. . .
/chromtech ‘11-2022

but “focus” on
OUR -m 5 ! pages

NEW miniCart2022

mini- SHOPPE

MALs Cart

> Pay Pal Cart ?

-m4 >? > on a 
Mobile” Phone

hhhmm ! > forget it ! ?

WE do apologise if IT
ALL appears a bit
“archaic”€¯ in design ?

    • if U find it difficult to Navigate

this CHROMTECH Site has ”evolved “ from literally 
day ONE of the WEB
1992+ never-ending !
some Supplier
Product Lines
 may i have disappeared
by attrition in a “never unchangingWorld !
 please Use
TECH Literature Resource
Work WITH us !
and we’ll attempt
to find ALTs to try bring YOU
up to speed !

MOBILE > a preview ONLY ?
but ITs’
> “latency” > slows down > the response
maybe >10-20secs
to load > “Flip o’heads“
but THEN it’s  OK !  ?
> a WiFi Mobile Limitation
for the 100s of PDFs > embedded in OUR FlipPAGES
& Smaller bookcases

are much faster ! ie Page-served vs the PDF loads
complete b 4U can View !


Flip Library Bookcase ~100Catalogs

for THE detail !

on PCs >are Very
! Tick

AS for OUR
SHOP Carts ?

WE Do try keep prices
up to date > more-so
in later versions as
designated ! with ANY Discounts for Qty ! >
Otherwise treat
 these as “Indicative” ONLY but we will try & Honour it €?
> ASK for a QUOTE (RFQ? )

invariably we have used PayPAL > in the past
for CC Payments >

BUT If U find PP diffcult ?

an AUS based CC Method
> & far more reliable

more in “sync”€¯
with THE Aust Bank
“Regulation” System€¯
> Bank Transfer Payment is preferred by Us for Invoice(s)
IF > $2000 due to fees !

  • Payment Details
    on Request ! Or on OUR 
  • Manual INVOICE
    CC Payment System !

4 more ? . . . >
“ Collaborative€¯ “ Projects

see here !

> & for ALL OUR ~900 HTMs
 on this detail(ed) SITE !
& links to 1000s PDFs embedd e dinto FlipHTML5s

> an “Overkill” perhaps for those “dubious” mobile phones !