More Sorensen Inspiration . . .

Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactors Kirk Sorensen of Flibe Energy 2017-04 Video
 Development Strategy" Kirk Sorensen2013-11 Video
Kirk Sorensen @ MRU on LFTR - Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactors
LFTR (Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactor) Defended by Kirk Sorensen 2019-04 Video
The Thorium Molten-Salt Reactor: Why Didn't This Happen (and why is now the right time?) Sorenson 2012-12 Video
The Molten-Salt Reactor Experiment 2016-10 Video
THE THORIUM PROBLEM - Manufacturing & energy sector hobbled by thorium McDowell 2013-12 Video
THORIUM DEBUNK McDowell 2017-03 Video
Thorium: An energy solution - THORIUM REMIX McDowell 2011-10Video\
he Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactor: What Fusion Wanted To Be Borommeti 2008-11 Video
"NASA" - THORIUM REMIX 2016-05 Video
 Energy From Thorium: A Nuclear Waste Burning Liquid Salt Thorium Reactor Sorenson 2009-07 Video
Aim High: Using Thorium Energy to Address Environmental Problems Robert Hargreaves Video
Liquid Fluoride Reactors: A New Beginning for an Old Idea Le Blanc Video
How Nuclear Energy Works 2019-09 Video
The Cost of Climate Alarmism Bjorn Lomborg 2022-03 Video
From "What If" to "What's Next" in Nuclear Energy Video
Thorium can give humanity clean, pollution free energy Kirk Sorensen 2015-01 Video
Making Safe Nuclear Power from Thorium Pedersen 2016-11 Video

ALT Energies . . .
Hydrogen: Nature's Fuel 2914-05 Video
THE THORIUM PROBLEM - Manufacturing & energy sector hobbled by thorium 2012-04 Video
Is Thorium Our Energy Future? | Answers With Joe 2018-02 Video
Thorium Disadvantages 2017-08 Video
RIC 2022 W19 Molten Salt Reactors Rethinking the Fuel Cycle 2022-04 Video

The NEXT “BIG” Step ! > a bit more controversial ! > STILL ?

A FUSION experiment promised to be the next step in solving humanity’s energy crisis. It’s a big claim to live up to, PDF
Fusion is energy's future (Stephen Cowley-UK)
Video 2009  Video Fusion THE Future ! Optimism >IT IS happening ( by 2030’s? )

Energy NOW ! from TED !
What is “Spread of Energy Resources”
> Trying to achieve !
a perspective
POVERTY > but some interesting Ideas ! >
Video Fusion THE Ftyre ! 13min Robert Neuwirth The hidden world of shadow cities.
Video Fusion THE Ftyre ! Stewart Brand 4 environmental 'heresies'

95% of WW Wealth/ Energy is controlled
by 5-10% of the “RICH”

Thorium-LFTR : Hydrogen : Fusion : MY Sysnopsis : some ANSWERs ? : Your ? Feedback  :MORE”perspective > ENERGY NOW !

Energy Technology > MY Synopsis !

Modular Reactors virtually NOW
\(being “hog-tied” bu politicians>bureaucrats and obtuse regulations
but current “Old” Nuclear > being phased out ? hopefully ! ; as still a massive source of waste > pollution > a problem !
as us “civilized” people simply DON’T want IT !
largely minised by >>>

Thorium-LFTR re-education of of Nuclear “brains: minor
problems re corrosion a few billion and 5 to 20 years away one the "experts" concede" and the relatively "minuscule" funding is released away

 the “smar(er)” technology <> the Way to Go vs the vested interests “consensus:

FUSION possibilities ? > fast evolving within 10+++ years academically perhaps years but has been / will be horribly expensive > but to be NEVER really practical cost-effective ?
as the long term ULTIMATE significant proportion of many Countries GDP


> depends on the Electriity “Grid” distribution NOT sustainable !  generally even IF ever Perfected !
just for the GRID > NOT ENOUGH Mineable Copper in the World
for THE Wiring ?

By DEFINITION > Huge centralised Plant “One per Contintent” affordable to builds ? funding by multiply Countries Govts !

Better answer is modular Nulear to replace Coal Plants on existing Sites and infrastructue.

Renewables Never ! a “FALSE paradigm” exercise !
 ruinous to World Economies . . . when will Govts wake up ! . . . Or even get overthrown eventually “literally” because of it
to augment Nuclear maybe at select sites > Not Though Out
> “vested” interests etc NOT Really viable cost of building l
and misuse and cost of pollution disposal after 20 years

One Fusion Plant > whole of Euro / China / USA

but when the Coal, Oil, Gas eventually runs out in > 200-1000+ 

Global Warming / Climate Change the “HOAX” of the “millennia”
> an “infinite Bubble” of the similar 16 to 18th Century “Tulip”, “South Seas” “Bubbles” ALL Now being surreptitiously  implemented at the “speed of light” by the “unscrupulous”
via the “curse” of the Internet and the “accrued "smart-arses"
 of the World


Too capital intensive Ultra Dense centralized capacity
Power GRID costs the limiting factor for broad coverage
Potential for developing H2 Economy re transport of “energy”
H2 is actually much safer than other “fossil fuels”  petrol , diesel, gas
far more efficient than battery storage ( exotic mineral depletion
and wast recycling cost problems ! )

NOT > NEVER efficient enough for “Renewables” backup of Base Energy > PEAK DEMAND etc

Ultimate > probably “small” Modular LFTR
particularly for City > large factory implementation . . . relatively
low cost mass production of plants . . to replace conventional car plants

  • low Thorium mineral resources WW > virtually unlimited
  • feeds on previous pollution waste
  • Ultra Safe ! waste Max 300 year storage vs 10>100s K years
    re 1/2 lives of waste
  • Use of surplus “heat” for domestic use in cold climate
    ( eg NewYork and higher Latitudes, Industry, desalination,
  • high temp reaction conversion of CO2 to Syn-Fuels
  • unique Apps >radio isotopes for Med Research > implementation re Health
  • Minimal threat of  being diverted into nuclear bombs

    Controversial ?
  • Radiation Effects-Health > at low doses evidence Now suggest it is actually beneficial!
    Deaths have been relatively minimal over >~75yeats WW use

    Accidents can / do occur > human error eg Chernobyl
    Fukashima was NOT a meltdown but planning disaster / negligence in being site on the Jap coast in an earthquake prone AND Tsunami prone area > flooding and a H2 explosion NOT meltdown or an Operation fault
  • Current Nuclear fleet is or now approaching  “use-by date”
  • Nuclear proven potentially much safer than mining generally
    > coal > gas etc

CT > ALT Energy LFTR

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Video Kirk Sorensen 2011 Video 187mins
“PROTOSPACE on Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactors
- Recommended for ALLNuclear Scientists in retrospect ! > Politicians >”Bean Counters” > All Inspiring Stuff ! > surpasses by far the work of Jobs, Gates, Wozniak and even Musk! > resurrection of GlennSeaborg (Nobel), Alvin Weinerg (OakRidge ‘50/60s) . . . but yet to be fully acknowledged !

Video GordanMcDowell -Kirk Thorensen “Thorium” 6hr26min

Video  “Thorium Remix”Compedium of ~>multi Videos, BOOKs 2009-2023  Many aspects of the Nuclear Debate options for/against MSR / LFTR for Power Energy NOT “conventional Nuclear Weapons
 ( Australiias’ “dogma” > perpetual ? “Non-proliferation” should be aimed STRICTLY at NON-Weapons Nuclear ONLY !  )

more Kirk Sorensen PICS > LFTR > PDF, Videos etc

NEGATIVE ?  GOOD but very Generalised Tick 2 hours
Helen Caldicott ??? - A Prominent “GREENIE” / > an
anti-nuclear activist ! in fact a complete rebuttal !
"Th" Thorium Documentary 2014
Video seems more +ve into Thorium use ? actually to  Many references to > Sorensen  > an EXCELLENT O’view !

LFTR > Solves many of Problems of Cross Nuclear Waste Cross
Radioactive Waste: A Nuclear Nightmare | ENDEVR DocumentaryVideo NuclearWate PROBLEM>LFTR

NUCLEAR 4.0  :  China Launches NEW Thorium Reactor in Gobi Desert 2023-08 Video 2023NuclearWate PROBLEM>LFTR
albeit small ~35MW All in ONLY 5 years R&D > one of 150 planned !

> just DO IT ! ANYWAY @ 0.1 > 0.5 cents per kwHr (in China) but probably 1-3c/kwhr in  Western Countries . . . If EVER ! “the megapolies“
could “EVER” be MINIMISED ! ( current Aust ~ 25-40c )

for 100,000 years > Minimal Radioactivity Pollution
1 tonne Thorium = 3.5millionT of Coal !

    2022 Update MY Pros vs Con

  • Nil Funding by Govts over 50 years
  • probably TOO Good for THE “vested Interests
  • improving energy in developing Countries NOT a UN priority interest”
    > or in fact saving / reserving  “peasants lives”  . . . & more for exploitation
  • thus protecting The Energy Moguls and subsidizing inevitable “corruption”
  • far more interest in making bombs and “war mongering” thru’ contrived Wars and weapons “sales” than reducing Energy costs for the masses”
  • minimal extra funding required >long(er) less attractive to financial institutions > short-sighted “money grubber” mentality)

Recent Refs > 2020 ?

YOU Read and make YOUR OWN decision !.. . .
for what it’s really worth . . . in reality !

It’s NOT a perfect World ! . . . but certainly it CAN / SHOULD BE
much Better ! some “ANSWERS > but Blatantly OBVIOUS !

ra Ra ! . . .  > to be Continued

IQ Tests for ALL Politicians > a pre-requisite
VOTING Rights  > Min IQ Test on polling date ! re drugs > elimination of idiots And / or extremists
PEER Group of Scientists to “override” technology “stupidity”

"Thinking" Scientists to have the independence and “guts” to stand-up to bureaucracies
Meris of proposed projects to be strictly on a “cost / benefit" analysis in the general interest of Australia NOT just for “individual > vested interests

Adoption of long(er) term thinking in projects of Australia “interests” infrastructure planning costs > funding absolutely politic free

Rationalization of the Education System, Banking, the Share Market, prioritizing the investment market; the “media” generally eliminate the worst of FAKE Science, NEWS, Marketing / Advertising the judiciary and realistic enforcement of laws

Any “Rights” of convicted prisoners to be re reduced / minimized as a deterrent not a relative luxury re-introduction of compulsory Military Service

Minimize the effects of the “woke” mentality and parasitic influences > racial, gender politics and equally frivolous “ideas”

ALL IMPOSSIBLE you say ! . . . wishful thinking perhaps ?

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