SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 153

The amount of air tobe drawn into the syringe
after drawing the sample/standardvolume. This
air spacewill beutilizedas abuffer between the
twodifferent solutions in the syringe. Thevalue
entered is apercentageof the total syringe
volume i.e. a settingof 10% (whenutilizinga
10µl syringe)will draw1µl of air into the syringe
each time a standard solution is drawn into the
syringe. This parameter is not used if the
StandardVolume is set to “0”.
The amount of air tobe drawn into the syringe
after the sample isdrawn into the syringe. This
air volumecan reduce“needleburnoff”of
sample in the injectionport. Thevalueentered is
apercentageof the total syringevolume, i.e. a
settingof 10% (whenutilizinga10µl syringe)
will cause1µl of air tobedrawn into the syringe
after the sample solution is drawn into the
This parameter allows the autosampler tobegin
its sampling sequence at a future time, up to999
minutes from the start point.
[0-600 sec.]
Thenumber of seconds topause after the syringe
needlehas entered the sample injectionport. In
systemswhere“needleburn”occurs thisvalue
canhelpseparate the initial solvent injection
from themainsample injection.
[0-600 sec.]
The number of seconds topause (Dwell) after the
samplehasbeen injected. This featureallows the
sample, time tocompletely leave theneedle,
before theneedle iswithdrawn from the injection
port. GCStart andDataStart signals have been
Inject Target
[A, B,A&B,A+B] There are two injection targets possible, “A” and
“B”. The samplewill be injected into the
assigned target(s). The positionof the inlets does
notmatter, they canbe left/right or front/rear.
Multiple targetsmaybe selectedbyenteringone
of theA,Bcombinationvalues. TheLeft/Right
arrowkeyswill scroll through the selections
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