SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 158

7.2 Prog (Program)Key
TheProgKey is used to access theCobraL/SMethodEdit andSetupmenus. The usermust select
either theMethodEdit or Setup screenwith theUp/Down arrow keys and press Enter. IfMethod
Edit is selected, enterwith theLeft/Right keys, amethodnumber from#1-10 andpress theEnter
Key. Thedisplaywill change to themethodnumber enteredallowing for editingor review.
If theSetupmenu line is selected, thenext screen allows access to the "Configuration,Maintenance,
Diagnostics andMotorSpeeds"menus. Thesemenuswill bediscussed indetail inSection8.
To exit the "Prog" key selectionpress theHold/Stopkey.
7.3 ModeKey
Themodekey allows theuser tobegin running samples. Press the "Mode" key and thenext screen
will display the selectionof "AutoRun"or "ManualRun." Theuser can select eithermodewith the
Up/Down arrowkeys. If theAutoRun is desired enter themethodnumber,with theLeft/Right arrow
keys, thenpressEnter. Thiswill immediatelybegin the sampling sequenceper theMethod selected.
If theManualmode is selected, thenext screen allows theuser to run a single sampleor rinse the
syringe. If a sample is tobe run theusermust enter theMethodnumber and the samplevial number
to run. TheLeft/Right arrow keys are used to enter this data. Press theEnter key and the sequence
If SampleRinse is selected, the next screen allows the user to enter theMethodnumber to run the
rinse syringe sequence. Press theEnter key tobegin the sequence.
NOTE: TheAutoSamplerwill rinse the syringe according to theparameters in theMethod
number selected. It is advised that aMethodbededicated to thedesired syringe flushing cycle
and stored for futureuse.
8.0 CobraL/SSetupMenus
TheSetupMenu allows theuser to access theCobraL/SConfiguration,Maintenance,Diagnostics
andMotor Speedmenus. Thesemenus provide complete setup anddiagnostic tools for installation
andperformance setup.
Note: Several of themenus in this sectionare intendedonly for a
service technician.
8.1 ConfigurationMenu
Configurationmenu allows the setupof the sample tray and all needle targets (thesewerediscussed in
detail inSections 4.0 and5.0).
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