SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 151

6.2 MethodParameters
[1 to 120]
The first samplevial tobe injected.
[1 to 120]
The last samplevial tobe injected.
Thenumber of injections tobeperformedon
each individual sample.
After a sample is injected, the syringe will
be rinsed thisnumber of timesusingSolvent #1.
Afterasample is injected, thesyringewill
be rinsed thisnumber of timesusingSolvent #2.
The percentage of the total volume of the
syringe tobeused in rinsing, i.e... a settingof
50%whenutilizinga10µl syringewould
allow5µl of rinse solution tobe drawn into
the syringe for every rinse.
Theplunger steppermotor speedwill be adjusted
to a speed ratingper the input value. Use a lower
number ifmoreviscous solvents arebeingused
toavoidair bubbles.
StandardVolume% [0-100%]
Thepercentageof the total syringevolumeused
when adding a standard to a sample, i.e... a
settingof 10% (whenutilizinga10µl syringe)
would cause 1µl of standard solution tobe
drawn into the syringeeach timea samplewas
tobe injected. If this parameter is used, each
sample injectionwill have standardadded to the
syringe alongwith the sample. Note, the
standard is alwaysdrawn into the syringe first and
the sumof the standardvolume and sample
cannot exceed100%.
Thepercentageof the total syringevolumeused,
i.e... a settingof 10% (whenutilizing a10µl
syringe)will inject1µlof samplesolution.
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