SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 152

Thenumberof times the syringe is filledwith
sample and "emptied" to thewastevial. The
volumeof sample loaded into the syringe
will be according to theSampleVolume%
Thesyringewillbe flushed thisnumberof times
withstandard/samplesolutionbefore the final
standard / sample solution is drawn into the
syringeprior to injection. The syringewill
remain in the samplevial for thisprocess. This
helps topurgeair bubbles from the syringe
beforedrawing in the final sample tobe injected.
SampleFillRate% [0-100%]
Theplungermotor fill rate speedwillmaybe
controlledwith this value. Use100% for the
fastest plunger operation. Use a lower number if
moreviscous samples arebeingused to avoid
bubble formation.
Sample InjRate%
Theplunger injection speed iscontrolledwith this
parameter. Use a lower number ifmoreviscous
samplesarebeingused to increase reproducibil-
ity. Use100% for the fastest injection speed.
The syringeoffset determineswhat volumeof
sample remains in the syringeat thecompletion
of an injection. Avalueof 10% to20%maybe
useful inavoidingvolumeerrorsdue tobubbles
causedbycertain sample types. Theoffset is
ignoredduring the rinsecycle. Thisparameter
MUSTbe set to if thePre-Fill air parameter is
The amount of air tobe drawn into the syringe
beforedrawing in the standard/sample. This
provides a head space of air tohelppurge the
syringeof theentire sampleduring injection. The
value entered is apercentageof the total syringe
volume, i.e. a settingof 10% (whenutilizinga
10µl syringe)will draw1µl of air into the syringe.
See “SyringeOffset Parameter”.
Note, the
sumof the standardvolume& samplevolume&
PrefillAir%cannot exceed100%of the syringe
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