SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 162

10.1 DataFormat
TheDataTransmission from the host to theCobraL/S and from theCobraL/S to the host use the
same data format. Communications areRS232 as follows: 19200baud, noparity, 8bits, 1 stopbit
10.2 CommandSummary fromHost toCobraL/S
AllCommands require3bytes, followedby aCR. Shorter commands shouldbepaddedwith aCR to
make them4bytes long, total.
Q Get Cobra's attention (Cobrawill stop running, and echook) andprint "PCHost active" on
line4of theLCD screen. When thePChost releases control, "PC link Idle",will appear
on line4of theLCD, if theCobraL/Swas idle, otherwise, the runwill continue fromwhere
itwas interrupted, unless anRnorGn commandhadbeen issuedby the host. Note that
parameters updatedwith theMWn commandwill not take effect until thebatch is started the
next time.
Attempts tocommunicatewith theCobraL/Swhile it is performingamanually initiated rinsewill be
After theCobraL/Shas responded to theQ command, the following commands are available:
Note...For commandswith amethodparameter, the examples usemethod1. In theModeAfter
column, remote indicates thePCHost stays in control after the command is executed, and theCobra
keypad is disabled. Localmeans control has transferredback to theCobra.
Command Example
77 87 01 13 Remote
Programmethodparameters (requires parameter string
to follow)
SW 83 87 13 13 Remote
Program systemparameters (requires parameter string
to follow)
82 01 13 13 Remote
Start runningmethodn
86 48 13 13 Local
TurnoffVerbosemode, no statusmessageswill be sent
while theCobra is running
86 49 13 13 Local
TurnonVerbosemode, "PCHost active"LCDmessage
changes to "Linked tohost"
77 82 01 13 Remote
RequestMethod parameters formethod n
87 82 13 13 Remote
Request Systemparameters
87 84 13 13 Local
RequestCurrent status. Oneof the following series of
twobinarybytes, followedbyCRwill be sent: 1-10,
1-12 0-Runningmethod, sample0, 101 -Manualmode,
0, 102 - Idle
71 79 13 13 Local
Resume running if amethodwas interrupted, or return
to local control ifCobrawas not running.
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