SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 180

Column Installation in theSRI Model 8610 and
Model 310GasChromatographs
equippedwith the split/splitless injector
The split/splitless injector canbeused
for on-column injections onto .53mm
capillary columns, split injections onto
any column, or splitless injections.
The injector has its own temperature
control which is set from the front panel
using the screwdriver providedwith the
GC. Set the temperaturedependingon
theneeds of theanalysis.
The injector is suppliedwithboth
stainless steel andSilcoSleeve liners.
The stainless steel liner supports the
wide-boreadapter for usewith .53mm
columnandon-column injections.
TheSilcoSleeve liner ismore inert
( since it is linedwith fused silica ) and is
usedwith narrow-bore columns in the
split or splitlessmodes.
Column Installation(splitless)
Split/splitless injector
mounted in8610C
Injector blockwith
insulation removed
injector body
With carrier in
Andsplit vent out-
stainless steel liner
SilcoSleeve liner
Withgash inoneend
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