SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 190

OCPTV - On-Column ProgrammedTemperatureVaporization Injector
The following chromatogram from a GC equipped with an FID
detectorandOCPTV injectordemonstrates thesharppeaksattainable
from high boiling analyteswith theOCPTV.
Sample: 2µL 100ppm diesel range
organics in hexane
Column: 25-meter RXT-1 0.25mm
Carrier: hydrogen at 20psi
FID gain: HIGH
FID temperature: 300
FID ignitor: -400
Pre-columnvent flow:100mLs/minute
Columnoven temperatureprogram:
Hold Ramp Final
40.00 1.00 20.00 270.00
270.00 20.00 0.00 270.00
Event Table:
Time Event
0.000 Zero signal
0.050 AON (pre-column vent)
0.550 AOFF
0.600 FON (pre-column heat)
11.000 FOFF
This chromatogram is from the sameGC. It wasmadewith the same analytical parameters, except a
slightly different event tablewas used. In this event table, the pre-column heat was not kept on long
enough to transfer thehighest boilinganalytes to theanalytical column. The last threepeaks arebroad
because the column
oven heat is what
drove them from the
OCPTV pre-column,
rather than theOCPTV
heat itself, as in the
first chromatogram.
Event Table:
Time Event
0.000 Zero signal
0.100 AON (pre-columnvent)
0.450 AOFF
0.500 FON (pre-columnheat)
9.000 FOFF
1...,180,181,182,183,184,185,186,187,188,189 191,192,193,194,195,196,197,198,199,200,...870
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