SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 182

Column Installation in theSRI Model 8610 and
Model 310GasChromatographs
equippedwith the split/splitless injector
To install a .53mmMXT typewide-bore
capillary column in the “on-column”
1) Slidea1/8” swageloknut and1/8”
to .8mm soft graphite reducing ferrule
over theendof the column. Then slide
the column through the split/splitless in-
jector so the columnprojects out the
front of theoven.
2) Slide the stainless liner andwide-
boreadapter on the column, then cut 3
cmoff the columnusinga triangle file.
Always trim the columnafter passing it
though a graphite ferrule as the column’s
sharpedgemay shavegraphiteparticles
into theboreof the column causing tail-
3) Pull the columnback into the injector
so theendof the .53 column isposi-
tionedaboutmidway in theadapter.
4) Tighten the nut and graphite ferrule
tohold the column securely. The col-
umn shouldnotmovewhen youpull on
the column tubing from theoven side
5) Test the installationby insertingadry
26gauge syringewitha5or 6cm long
needle onto the column. The syringe
shouldglide into theboreof the column
itself without snagging or catching. If the
syringe snags the lipof the column then
re-position the columnabout 1 cm closer
to the center of theoven. Thiswill give
the syringea smoother entrance.
Column Installation(splitless)
page 4
Wide-bore columnadapter
Stainless liner
1/8” swageloknut
and1/8” to .8mm
soft graphite
reducing ferrule
Injector body
Triangle file to cut
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