SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 179

Column Installation in theSRI Model 8610 and
Model 310GasChromatographs
equippedwith the split/splitless injector
SRI GasChromatographs are designed
tousebothpackedand capillary col-
umns. TheModel 8610has anoven
whichallows for columns coiledona
7” (17.5 cm ) diameter or smaller, while
theModel 310GC ( whichhas a smaller
oven ) can fit columns coiledona5” di-
ameter or smaller. The column installa-
tionprocedure is identical oneitherGC
sincebothGCs use the same injector
anddetector hardware. Only theoven
size isdifferent.
The split/splitless injector canbeused
withbothwide-bore and narrow-bore
Column Installation(splitless)
Model 310oven
Model 8610Coven
.25mm fusedsilicanarrow-borecolumn
on7” cage
.25mmnarrow-boreon5” cage
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