SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 175

Usea sharp triangle file to cut a few cen-
timeters from theendof theMXT col-
umn. It isagood idea toALWAYS trim
theendof the columnanytime you run it
through a graphite ferrule as the sharp
edgeof the column can shavegraphite
off into theboreof the columnwhere it
can cause the peaks to tail.
Support the columnwith your fingertips
and drag the file firmly across the tubing
inone swiftmotion.
Place your fingernail under the file cut
andbend the column. It will break
cleanlyat the file cut.
Slide thewideboreadapter onto the col-
umnandposition theendof the column
about halfway in theadapter.
Notice theadapterhasagashat
oneend. Theendwith thegash
should faceout towards the
Column Installation
page 5
Column Installation in theSRI Model 8610 and
Model 310GasChromatographs
equippedwith the on-column injector
Gash inadapter
Triangle file
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