SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 174

To install a .53mm capillary column in
theon-column injector youwill need two
1/8” swagelok nuts, two1/8” to .8mm
soft graphite reducing ferrules, theSRI
widebore columnadapter, a triangle file
to cut the columnanda7/32”wrench.
Youhave theoptionof usinga swagelok
1/16” to1/8” reducing fittingand1/16”
ferrule instead.
You canuseMXT typemetal ( stronglypre-
ferred ) capillary columnsas shown, or regu-
lar fused silica columns. The regular fused
silica columnsaremore likely tobreakespe-
cially in the injector due to the syringe frac-
turing the fragile fused silica
Remove the septum nut from the outside
of theoven. Now is agood time to in-
spect and change the septum if it is
Slidea1/8” stainless steel swageloknut
and 1/8” to .8mm soft graphite reducing
ferruleonto the column. Then slide the
column through the injector so it pokes
out the front of theoven.
Column Installation
Column Installation in theSRI Model 8610 and
Model 310GasChromatographs
equippedwith the on-column injector
Widebore columnadapter
1/8” to1/16”
reducing fitting
1/8” nut
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