SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 177

Connect theother endof the column to
the detector. The simplest way is to use
a1/8” swageloknut anda second1/8”
to .8mm soft graphite reducing ferrule.
Thedetector shown in thephoto is the
FIDdetector. Theendof the column
shouldbepositionedabout 3cmpast the
ferruleor about halfway from the inlet
fitting to the tip of theFID jet.
Because the soft graphite ferrule can
sometimes outgas contaminantswhich
contribute tobaselinebleedat high tem-
peratures,wesometimesprefer tocon-
nect the column to the detector using a
swagelok reducing fittinganda1/16”
hardgraphite ferrule. Thehardgraphite
ferruledoesnot releaseasmuch con-
taminant and it is physicallymuch
smaller aswell so thebaseline shift due
to temperature is sometimesmuch less
using this typeof connector.
Position theendof the columnabout
halfway between the inlet fitting and the
tip of the jet and then tighten the fitting.
Each typeof detector ( PID,
ECD, NPD ,TCDetc )may re-
quireadifferent position for the
endof thecolumn. Consult the
detector instructions forposi-
Column Installation
page 7
Column Installation in theSRI Model 8610 and
Model 310GasChromatographs
equippedwith the on-column injector
Soft graphite ferrule
1/16” hardgraphite ferrule
The column shouldextend
about 3cmpast the ferrule
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