SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 186

Column Installation in theSRI Model 8610 and
Model 310GasChromatographs
equippedwith the split/splitless injector
For a split injection,measure the column
flowat theendof the column. For
a .25mm narrow-bore column thiswill be
about 1ml/minute. Measure the flow
exiting the split vent tubewith the split
vent solenoidactivated. The column flow
dividedby the split vent flow is the split
If the split ratiomust be very large
(more thanabout 100 to1 ), youmay
have to remove the polishing filter. The
polishing filter is locatedbehind the col-
umn oven. Themolecular sieve filled
tubemay limit themaximum split flow
because it acts like a flow restrictor. It
caneasily be removedand replacedwith
ablank tube for higher split ratios.
If youwant the split vent tobeopenbe-
fore the injectionand to stay open, un-
check the box in theEdit/Overall screen
labeled “reset relays at endof run”.
If youwant the split to shut off during the
run, actuateRelayAbefore injecting.
Then close the solenoidduring the run
byenteringRelayAoff inPeakSimple’s
event table.
Column Installation(splitless)
page 8
Needlevalveadjustssplit flow
Measuresplit flowhere
Polishing filter
ClickRelayA to
actuate theSplit
TheGC’s red lid
must bedown for
thesolenoid towork
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