SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 406

Enabling thePressure program on the
board is
along the in-
side right side
of SRI
8610C, 310C
and 410GCs.
TheA/D board is labeledAnalogOut 1,2
and 3 if your A/D board is amodel 302 6
channel USB type.
The 302 board has 3 analog outputs.
Analog output #1 is used to control the
oven temperature program. Analog out-
puts#2 and 3 are normally left un-
connected to anything.
All other A/D boards (model 333, model
202 andmodel 203 ) are labeledTP1
( temperature program one ) or TP2
( temperature program two ). These
board only have two analog outputs.
Locate thewirewhich is labeledCarr
Prog ( carrier program ). Thiswirewill
be tucked under theA/D board and insu-
latedwith a piece of colored tape.
Connect theCarr Progwire toAnalog
output#2 ( or TP2 ) to enable the pro-
gram inPeakSimple’sChannel Two to
control the carrier gas pressure. If you
prefer, you can connect toAnalog out-
put#3 inwhich case the program in
PeakSimple’s channel 3would control
the carrier gas pressure.
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