SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 410

August 2008
Point to the first analyte peak ( not the
largeSolvent peak ) with yourmouse.
This peak has a retention time of about
Click the
mouse button and a
small menuwindowwill pop up on the
Point to thewordsAddComponent and
clickwith the
mouse button.
Thiswill result in a horizontal line cen-
teredwhere yourmousewas pointing.
Hopefully this horizontal line ( called a
retentionwindow ) is roughly centered
on the first analyte peak.
Don’t worry if the retentionwindow is not
perfectly centered, we are going to ad-
just it in the following step.
Notice that the retentionwindow bar has
vertical uprights at each end of the bar.
Grab the vertical handle by pointing
to the upright with yourmouse and hold-
ing down the
mouse button and
dragging the handle left or right.
Use this tomake the retention
windowwider or narrower.
Next grab the retentionwindow bar
in the center of the line. Now you
canmove the entire bar left or right
with yourmouse.
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