SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 418

File typesusedbyPeakSimple
chromatogramor data file. Thechromatogram is thegraphicdepictionof rawanalytical data inbinary
ASCII file. You can save your raw data in binary format (.CHR),ASCII format (.ASC), or both.
thumbnail file. PeakSimple keeps thumbnail snapshots of your .CHR files to facilitate browsing. In
PeaskSimple version 3.21 and newer, you can elect to not save thumbnails to save disk space.
threedimensional file. Loadmultiplechromatograms (.CHR files) forviewing in the3Ddisplaywindow.
Save the 3D display in a .3D file for later viewing.
temperature file. TEM filescontain thecolumnoven temperatureprogram information: initial and final
temperatures, hold times and ramping rates. .TEM, .GRA, and .FLO files perform the same function
for different applications; the only real difference between them is their extension. The user selects
which application and file extension to use in the Channel details window: on the right side under
“Control by,” are three radio buttonswith the choicesTemperature, Pressure, or Gradient.
gradient file for HPLC. Gradient files contain the solvent and samplemixing percentages for one or
two pumps. PeakSimple uses this extensionwhen the “Gradient” radio button under “Control by” in
theChannel detailswindow is selected.
pressure flow file. PeakSimple uses this extension when you select the “Pressure” button under
“Control by” in the Channel details window. This is useful when varying the carrier gas pressure,
makinguseof theElectronicPressureControllers (EPCs) inyourSRIGC.Theusermustmoveawire
to switch from temperature to pressure control.
event files. Eventsarecontrolledby turning relaysONandOFF. Event tablesallowyou toautomatically
turn relaysON/OFFat specified timesduringananalysis. Integrationeventscanalsobeautomatically
performed using an event table.
components file. Each channel has it’s own Components table that displays the list of expected
components, their retention times, andcalibration files.All component information is input by theuser.
component calibration file. Thecalibrationcurve iscalculated fromuser-generated resultsobtainedat
several different concentrations that span the expected range to be encountered in actual samples.
Calibration is required for each component you expect to be present in your sample, and for each
detector to be used in the analysis. When a component calibration file is saved, it will appear in the
Componentswindow, next to the appropriate component.
results log file. Use thePost-runactionswindow tohavePeakSimpleadd the results to the results log
after the analysis.
results file. The results filedisplaysanalytical results inASCII format. The resultswindow isaccessed
through the Viewmenu. The results log (.LOG) may be viewed by clicking a button in the results
Control files contain user-defined analytical parameters such as column oven temperature program
(.TEM files), components (.CPT files), and relay event tables (.EVT files), aswell as print information
andmany other parameters.
autosampler queue files. The autosampler queue lets you loadmultiple control files for usewith an
autosampler. In batch reprocessingmode, the autosampler queue is used to re-run data under the
parameters of a particular control file.
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