SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 423

USB toSerial adapter installation for PeakSimple
data systemswith serial interface
SRI gas chromatographs ( GC )
andPeakSimple data systems
manufactured from1995 through
2007were equippedwith serial
interfaces. A typical 9 pin serial
cable is shown at right.
GCs andPeakSimple data sys-
tems after 2007were typically sup-
pliedwithUSB interfaces.
AUSB cable is shown at right.
Many computers and
most laptops no longer
have serial jacks ( as of
2010 ), so it is necessary
to use aUSB to serial
converter to operate the
serial typeGCs and data
systemswithUSB only
FortunatelyUSB to se-
rial converter products
arewidely available and sell for
less than $20.
A typical USB 2.0 to serial con-
vertermade byCablesUnlimited
( part#USB2920 ) is shown at
It is
that theUSB
converter is labeled asUSB 2.0
compliant sincemost of the ear-
lier adapters ( USB 1.0 or 1.1 )
did not function properly
Must sayUSB
2.0 compliant
USB 1.0 or 1.1
Will NOTWork
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