SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 432

PeakSimpleSoftwareSelf Validation
If you have a six-channel 302data
system (or board inside your GC)
connect awire fromground to the
negative channel one andanother
wire from the 1analog out terminal
to thepositive channel one termi-
nal. It should look like thepicture
to the right.
With theValidation compo-
nents file loaded intoChan-
nels 1 and 6andeither the
Reproducibility or Linearity
chromatogram loaded in
channel 6 (in this caseLine-
arity is loaded) start the run.
When the run is completed
compare thearea counts be-
tween the two channels.As
discussedpreviously, you
canautomatea number of
validation runs inorder to
collect statistical information.
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