SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 427

PeakSimpleSoftwareSelf Validation
PeakSimple isSRI’s soft-
ware that allows aGC to
communicateand interface
with aWindows computer
throughanA/D (analog to
digital) converter. The lat-
est version canbe
downloaded for free from
Download the validation
datapackage from
. Place the
three files (Validation com-
ponents.cpt, Reproducibil-
ity.chr, andLinearity.chr)
intoa folder on your C:
drive named “Validation”
In order to validate thePeakSim-
ple software theuser will employ
Hardware loopback
Software loopback
, which canbe
selected from the “Overall con-
trols”menuaccessible from the
screen.Make sure that the
“Sample rate” is set to5Hz.
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