SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 430

PeakSimpleSoftwareSelf Validation
Once the run is com-
pleted compare the re-
sults of Channel 1 to
Channel 6 inorder to
seehow faithfully the
datawas reproduced. In
this instance, thearea
counts of all the peaks
are identical.
In order to calculate statistically
meaningful measurements (i.e.
standarddeviation), several valida-
tion runsmay be required. To sim-
ply the process, theuser canauto-
mate the validation runs by open-
ing up the “Postrun”menu from the
Channelsmenu. In thePostrun
menu ensure that the “Save file
as” box is checkedand given a
name and the “Auto-increment”
box is checked. Check the “Add to
results log” box andgive it aname.
Finally, check “Restart run after”
andenter a timeand thenumber
of runs that youwould like tohave
it perform. The data from the runs
will be saved to the .LOG file
where it canbe viewed or easily
exported toadatamanagement
program likeExcel.
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