SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 428

PeakSimpleSoftwareSelf Validation
Initiate communications between
PeakSimpleand theGCor data-
system. In the “Channels”Menu,
make sure that Channel 1 is ac-
tive, displayed, and integrated by
checking theappropriateboxes.
Ensure that Channel 6 is displayed
and integrated.
From themainPeakSimple
screen, right-click onChannel 1
and select “Components”. From
theComponents screen select
“Load” and open the “Validation
components.cpt” file from the
C:\Validation file folder. Do the
same thing for Channel 6.
Load the “Reproducibility.chr”
chromatogram intoChannel 6by
selecting “Open” from theFile
menu, selecting the “6” Channel
button, and selecting theRepro-
ducibility.chr file from the
C:\Validation folder. Hit theOpen
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