MRC-2014Hot.svg - page 145

Control Panel Functions
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Turning the freezer on while the Glovebox contains room atmosphere will result in the
condensation of moisture preventing the Glovebox from achieving optimum atmosphere
conditions, i.e. preventing the system from being able to reach 1 ppm moisture content.
4.3.12 Box Cooling Control
This feature is only displayed if your system has been factory-fitted with Box Cooling.
Pressing the Box Cooling Control button brings up the following screen
Figure 28 Box Cooling Control screen
Indicates the actual temperature (°C) inside the Glovebox.
Set point
Allows the temperature inside the Glovebox to be adjusted.
The deviation +/- °C from the set point.
Turns the Box Cooling On and Off.
4.3.13 Heater Control
This feature only displays if your system has been factory-fitted with a heated Antechamber.
Pressing the Heater Control button brings up the following screen
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