SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 653

UsingFerruleswithSRI GCs
Brass ferrules (either 1/8” or 1/16”) can
alsobe used to secure 1/8” or 1/16” Tef-
lon tubing. Theprocedure is the same
aswith the stainless steel tubing except
that greater care should be takenwhen
tightening the nut and ferrules to ensure
that theydon’t blockoff the flowof gas
through the tubing.
Depending on your GC configuration,
youmay have aValco valve. Valco
valvesuse their own nuts and ferrules to
secure their connections. Slip aValco
nut over 1/16” stainless tubingwith the
threads facing outwards. Slip abrass
Valco ferruleover the tubingwith the
narrowend pointing outwards. SRI pre-
fers brassValco ferrules, but theyare
alsoavailable in stainless.
If you happen tohave an extraValco
valvehead or Valco fitting lying around
use that to secure the ferrules to the tub-
ing.Otherwise, place the endof the tub-
ing into oneof the threaded valve open-
ings, push it inas far as it will go and
tighten the nut into the valve head using
a 1/4” wrench. Tighten thenut until snug
but not over-tightened. It is recom-
mended that you remove the fitting from
the valve and inspect the ferrules to en-
sure a proper connection, before retight-
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