SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 651

UsingFerruleswithSRI GCs
Soft and hard graphite reducing ferrules
are used to fit 0.53mm id ( the od
is .8mm ) capillary columns onto con-
nections and tubing. First, slip a 1/8”
stainless steel nut onto the capillary col-
umn tubingwith the threaded side facing
out. Slide the graphite reducing ferrule
over the tubingwith the narrowend fac-
Because the graphite is soft and the
capillary tubing can be sharp, small
graphite shavingsmay be driven into the
end of the capillary columnwhen adding
a ferrule. It is agood idea to trimabout
half-an-inch off the end of the column
once the ferrule ison the tubing
. Use
a column cutting tool ormetal file to
make a notch in the capillary column,
then snap it off over your thumb nail.
A1/4” straight graphite ferrule is used to
secure the igniter into theFIDdetector
body. Slide the1/4” nut over thewhite
ceramic shaft of the igniter with the
threads facing towards theFIDbody.
Slide thegraphite ferrule, narrowend
facing towards theFID and then screw
the nut onto the bodyof theFID. This
seal does not have to beover-tightened,
finger tight is fine.
Be careful not to turn the ignitorwhile
tightening the ferruleor theheater
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