SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 648

UsingFerruleswithSRI GCs
After being properly tightened,
when you remove thenut from the
fitting or from the cap youwill no-
tice the front and back ferrules are
seated ontoeachother and have
“bitten” slightly into the tubing. The
ferrules shouldnot slide freelyon
the tubing. If they still canmove
freelyon the tubing, tighten the nut
a littlemore.
The installation of one part ferrules
is very similar process, here it is
illustratedwith1/8” copper tubing,
aSwagelok 1/8” brass nut, and a
1/8” Parker brass ferrule. Place the
nut onto the tubingwith the
threaded side facing outwards.
Place the ferruleonto the tubing,
narrow end facingoutwards. It is
best not tomix andmatchnuts
and ferrules from differentmanu-
facturers, but it canwork if the cor-
rect parts are not available.
Aswith the two-piece ferrule,
tighten the nut one half turn past
finger tight either onto the fixture or
into a1/8” end cap.When the nut
is removed theone-piece ferrule
will be seen tobe “biting” slightly
into the tubing andwill not slideup
or down.
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Biting into the
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