SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 644

FastMudlogger GC upgrade kit installation
Oct 2012
Cut the tubeas necessary to keep the
methane peak on scale. ( 70%meth-
ane ) The shorter the split tube the
greater the split ratio. Use theSRI tub-
ing cutter toeasily snip the tube. If the
split tube is too long, themethanepeak
will go offscale (more than5000mil-
livolts ) and the separation of methane
andethanewill not be close to the base-
line. Youmay have tomake several in-
jections to get the length correct.
Set the columnhead pressure to10psi.
Adjust as nec-
essary depend-
you areusing
heliumor hy-
drogen carrier.
Set theA/D
board sample
rate to10hz or
The control for
this is in the
box for Peak-
Simple ver-
sions 3.93and
later. Earlier
versions set
the sample rate
in theDetails screen for each channel.
The resulting chromatogram should look
like theoneabove.
Backflush after 1
minuteor after the
C5 peak is down
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