SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 654

UsingFerruleswithSRI GCs
To remove brass or stainless steel fer-
rules frommetal tubing it is best to sim-
ply cut off the endof the tubingwith the
ferrulesattached. Hardand soft graph-
ite, vespel, andTeflon ferrules can sim-
ply be pulledoff the tubing.
Brass ferrules attached topacked col-
umns can sometimes be removed by
usinga ferrule removing tool. Place the
end of the column against the “tooth” of
the tool and secure the ferrule behind
the slot in the tool. Squeeze downward
with ample force inan attempt to slide
the ferrule off the tubing. If the ferrule
was over-tightened it may not be possi-
ble to remove it using this tool.
Stainless ferrules are very difficult to re-
move so you usually have to cut the tub-
You can also place the end of the col-
umn in a vicewith theback ferrule rest-
ingagainst the topof the vice. Use a
hammer or other pounding tool and gen-
tly pound the endof the column until the
ferrulehasworked itself free. Pliersmay
alsobe helpful when loosening ferrules
fromcolumns. The column tubing is fre-
quently damaged after ametal ferrule is
removed so cutting the tubing is often
Page 9
Use theSRI tubing
cutter to remove the
brass ferrule
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