SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 655

FlowMeasurement onSRI GCs
Measuring the flow of carrier and
detector gases is often required
whenworking on gas chromato-
Electronic flowmeters like the one
shownat right areavailable for
500-600 dollars fromRestek and
other sources.
Soap bubble flowmeterswork re-
liably and do not require periodic
recalibration like the electronic ver-
sions, but are breakable since they
are usuallymade of glass. You
really also need a lab stand to hold
the glass bubblemeter or it is very
likely to break. Between the bub-
blemeter itself and the lab stand
and clamps the cost is in the 100-
200 dollar range.
Asoap bubble is introduced into
the glass tube and the user times
how long the bubble takes tomove
betweenmarks. If the bubble
takes 10 seconds tomove 1millili-
ter ( 1ml ) for example, the flow
must be6ml/minute.
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