SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 665
Changing thePEMmembraneon the
SRI hydrogen generator
13) To keep thegraphite coil
from comingapart as you re-
assemble the cell, placea thin
ruler or strip of cardboard over
the coil while positioning the
cell topon the bottom. Once
the top is inplace, slide the
strip out.
14) Replace4 of the8
screws, but just engage the
screw threads one turn. Ex-
amine the cell from the sides
and bottom to ensure the
graphite coil is centered. If
not, remove the screws and
nudge the coil into the center
of the cell.
15) Replaceand tighten the
eight screws. Tighten gradu-
ally and in aalternate pattern
to avoid over-stressing the
plastic. Finally, re-connect the
blackwire to the connector on
the top, fill with cleanwater
and re-attach to theGC or
stand-alone chassis.
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