SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 674

SRI GCs andDataSystems
Different USB Jack.
moving theUSB cable to another
USB jackmay solve the communi-
cations loss problem. Many com-
puters haveUSB jacks located in
the front andback of the computer
tower. It is best tomove theUSB
cable to the front if it was previ-
ously in the back, and to theback
if it was previously in the front.
In thePeakSimple folder (ex.
Peak418 for PeakSimple version
4.18) there is a program called
“USBView”. You can seewhich
USB jacks are assigned towhich
USB controller in this program.
FerriteonUSB andPower
Adding a ferrite
prevents electromagnetic interfer-
ence from influencing the electron-
ics of theGC or data system. Plac-
ing one on the end of theUSB ca-
ble right before it plugs into theGC
or data systemmay prevent com-
munications loss.A ferrite can be
obtained for free fromSRI or from
most electronic and computer sup-
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