SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 668
Chapter: Troubleshooting
Topic: LeakChecking your GC
There are 3ways to check
for gas leaks inaGC.
The 1stmethodof leak checking is
"looking for bubbles"
"snooping the fittings". Snoop® is
a specific brand of leak check so-
lution, but SRI suggests amixture
of isopropyl alcohol ( IPA )andwa-
ter. The alcohol reduces the sur-
face tension of thewater so it
flows into the cracks between the
tubingand the fitting, otherwise
water alonewouldbe fine. Don't
use soapywater because if the
leak check solution gets inside the
GC tubingor fittings, it will con-
taminate the system.
Apply gas pressure to the system
thenplace adroplet or two of leak
check solutionon the tube con-
nections. If tiny little bubbles are
visible then the fitting is leaking.
Using the liquid leak check solu-
tion can be difficult however when
therearemany fittings to test or
when some of the fittings are hot,
( thiswill rapidly boil off the leak
check solution )making it impossi-
ble to tell if therearebubbles from
a leak or bubbles from thewater
Liquid leak checking is the least
effectiveway to check for gas
leaks inaGC system.
Put the leak check
solution at the joint
between the tube and
A low cost disposablemedical syringe is perfect for plac-
ing adropof leak check solution at the joint where the
tubeand the fittingmeet.
A 3ml leak check syringe is providedwith everySRI GC
SomeGC systemsmayhavemanyplaces
where leaks canoccur.
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