SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 675

SRI GCs andDataSystems
Plugging theGC/DataSystem
into theSameCircuit as the
Due to grounding dif-
ferences betweendifferentA/C cir-
cuits theremay be communica-
tions loss. To prevent this, plug the
power supply for theGC or data
system into the sameA/C circuit
as the computer.
Adding aCapacitor and
GroundWire to theA/Dboard.
With a few simple tools, parts, and
a soldering iron a capacitor and
groundwire can be added to the
Analog/Digital board in order to
prevent communications loss. The
process to do this is described in
“A/DCap andGroundWire Install”
in the “PeakSimpleDocuments”
section of thewebsite at:
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