SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 679

Re-packing the
SRI FID/Methanizer tube
Use some thicker, stiffer wire ( or a
piece of metal wide bore capillary col-
umn ) to position the glasswool plug
halfway down the jet.
Once installed, the jet will be inserted
into the bulkhead fitting attached to the
heater block. So, only the part of the jet
which is in the bulkheadwill be heated.
The colored tape shows the part of the
jet intowhich themethanizer catalyst
must be placed. If the catalyst is not po-
sitioned in this area, the catalyst will be
cooler than the heater block tempera-
Use some tape on the pusher wire so
you know how far into the jet you have
positioned the glasswool.
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