SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 645

FastMudlogger GC upgrade kit installation
Oct 2012
As of 2012, SRI recommends us-
ing a6-foot n-Octane onRes-Sil C
packed column (product number
8600-PO8B) for fast mudlogging
analysis. The column canbeob-
tained fromSRI Instruments for
$409.00as of Oct. 2012. Check
for current pricing.
At right the column is shown in-
stalled in theoven. The 6-foot n-
Octanepacked column provides
for better separation ofmethane
and ethane than theMXT-1 capil-
lary column.Analysis for either col-
umn remains under oneminute.
Themaximum temperatureof the
n-Octanepacked column should
not exceed150C.
Shown at right is a sam-
ple of natural gas run at a
constant oven tempera-
tureof 70C. Notice the
separationbetween the
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