SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 628

CuttingTubing for SRI GCs
Nodeburringor filing is required for tubing
cut with theSRI or pliers type cutter since
aperfectly roundhole is not absolutely
necessaryand the tubing is only deformed
very close to theendwhere it does not
matter. Theguillotine cuttingaction
makes a clean cut withnometal shards or
dust which is anadvantage to this typeof
If the cuttingwheel was used, adeburring
toolmust beused toget ridof themetal
shards in thehole. A sturdy syringenee-
dlewill alsowork if nodeburring tool is
available. Be sure tohold the tubing so
themetal particles fall out of the tubing.
Theedges shouldbe filedwithametal file
inorder to remove copper shards and
sharpedges. Try toget ridof themetal
particles so theyarenot carried into the
GCwhen you connect the tubing. Its also
agood idea to flush the tubingwith the
gas before connecting to theGC toavoid
depositinganyparticles in theGC’s pres-
sure regulators.
This tubingwas cut
with the freeSRI
tubing cutters. No-
tice theholeand
tubing is flattened
on two sides.
This tubingwas cut
witha cuttingwheel.
Notice thegenerally
circular hole, but also
the shardsof copper
createdby theproc-
This tubingwas cut
plier-type tubing cut-
ters. Notice thehole
ismore circular, al-
though still flattened
somewhat onone
Dremel deburring tool
23G 11/4” syringeneedle
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