SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 633

Maintenance of theElectronic
( EPC ) PressureControllers onSRI GCs
Gas flows in all SRI GCs are con-
trolled byElectronicPressureCon-
trollers ( EPC ). Theremay be up
to 7EPCsmounted in oneGC
depending onwhich combination
of injectors and detectors are in-
EachEPC has three buttons on
the front panel on theGC. When a
button is pushed the number is
displayed on the front panel meter
The Local Setpoint is the pressure
theEPC is supposed tomaintain
and is set by screwdriver adjust-
ment on theGC.
TheRemoteSetpoint is the pres-
sure setting entered in thePeak-
SimpleDataSystem. This set-
point is not used unless specifi-
cally connected inside theGC.
TheTotal Setpoint is the sumof
the Local and theRemoteSet-
TheActual Pressure is the real
pressureoutput of theEPC.
Normally theActual will be equal to
theTotal Setpoint. If theActual is
NOTequal to theTotal Setpoint
then there is a problem.
October 2009
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