SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 627

CuttingTubing for SRI GCs
Gas tight sealson all tubing and connec-
tionsareessential for good gas chroma-
tography. In thisdocument wewill dis-
cuss how to properly cut the different
kindsof tubing usedwith theGC.
It is recommended that 1/16” stainless
steel or 1/8” copper tubing be used to
connect the cylindersof carrier gas and
detector gases like hydrogen and air to
theGC. This tubing can be cut with
the standard tubing cutters that come
freewithSRI GCs,
plier-type tubing
cutters (available fromGrace/Alltechand
other chromatography catalogs ), or
a cuttingwheel which is available for
about $700 fromSSI,When used prop-
erly, the standard tubing cutter fromSRI
is the best, most economical solution.
Place the 1/16” or 1/8” copper tubing in
the notchof the tubing cutters.Make
sure that the cutters are straight up and
down and perpendicular to the copper
tubing. Squeeze down firmly and quickly
to produce aneven cut in onequick
movement. It is important that the cut-
ters are perpendicular to the tubing so
that theedge is square, the internal
opening of the tubing is not closed, and
the tool itself isnot damaged. If you cut
at an angle it will dull the cutter. Once
the cutter is dulled iswill not cut cleanly
and a new cutter tool will be required.
1/8” copper
1/16” stainless
.53mm id silco-steel
1/8” teflon
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