SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 618

ImprovedCollector Electrode Installation
onSRI GCs November 2010
FID detector bodiesmanufactured
beforeDecember 2010 do not
have a positive “stop”, so the col-
lector electrodemust bemanually
positioned in the correct location.
The photo at right shows the col-
lector electrode too close to the jet.
Thiswill make the flame hard to
light and reduce sensitivity.
Look down the hole in theFID
body from above as you position
the collector and then tighten the
vespel ferrulewith a 9/16” wrench
to secure the collector in the cor-
rect position..
The correct position iswhere the
metal tube part of the collector
electrode is evenwith the edge of
the hole you look downwhen you
remove the cap and look down the
FID jet
Collector too close
to jet
Correct position-
Evenwith edge of
Collector too close
to jet
Look down hole
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