SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 610

Capacitor installation on 8610C and 301CGC
Locate the holes intowhich the ca-
pacitorswill be soldered. The lo-
cations are labeledC1, C2 and
C1 is the high gain position and
should have a 100 picofarad poly-
styrene capacitor
C2 is the low gain and needs
a .01uf cap.
C3 is themedium gain and needs
a 1000 picofarad cap.
Cut the legs of the caps to about 1
inch long, so the legswill not pro-
trude too far on the other side of
the board.
Solder the caps in place using the
minimum amount of solder and
flux. Flux can create leakage
paths along the board surface, so
try to keep the solder and flux con-
fined to the area just around the
hole. Do not clean the board after-
wards, it will just spread the flux
around. Also the flux remover can
melt the polystyrene caps.
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