SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 612

Built-in air compressor filter kit installation
June 2010
ManySRI gas chromatographs
( GC ) are equippedwith a built-in
air compressor option to supply
combustion air for FID detectors.
If your GC has this option therewill
beanair compressor on/off switch
mounted in theGC’s front panel.
To prevent particulates from the air
compressor reaching the air EPC
( electronic pressure controller )
there is a 20micron frit (metal fil-
ter ) in the jumper tube from the air
compressor out fitting to the air
EPC in fitting. This 20micron frit
may clog over time preventing the
air EPC fromworking properly.
If the air EPC actual pressure is
not able to supplymore than 4 psi
the clogged filter is usually the rea-
As of June 2010 all SRI GCswith
a built-in air compressor ( BIAC )
are now equippedwith a larger ca-
pacity air filtermounted inside the
GC chassis
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