SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 615

The parts kit to replace the cooling fan
in theSRI 8610C or 310 gas chro-
matograph consists of anAC powered
( 120 or 220 voltsAC ) fan, a fan
guard, two 1.25” screws, two .625”
screws and four locking nuts.
The part# for this kit is 8670-6576
( specify 120 or 220 voltsAC ).
The original fanmay have been a
24volt DC type fan. This has been
super-ceded by theAC fan on all GC
Un-plug theGC from
Remove the four existing screws and
snip the red and blackwires going to
the old fan. It can be difficult to get at
the nuts holding the fan screws if the
GC has a valve installed. Youmay
have towedge a screwdriver blade to
keep the nut from turning if access is
Be careful not to lose any hardware. If
you drop and nut or a screw inside the
unit be sure to locate and retrieve it.
Tape over the ends of the red and
blackwires so the cut wires can not
touch anything after the unit is re-
Replacing the chassis cooling fan in the
SRI 8610C and 310GC ( Feb 2009 )
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