SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 631

CuttingTubing for SRI GCs
Place the endof the capillary column
tubing across your pointer andmiddle
finger. Use the seam running between
your pointer andmiddle finger as a cut-
tingguide and score the tubingwithei-
ther the scoringwafer or the small metal
file. Scoring the tubingmeans tomake a
scratch in it.
Place the scored portion of the capillary
column tubing just over your thumb or
pointer-finger fingernail and snap off the
end. If scored properly the tubingwill not
bend but simply snap off. Most of the
time no deburring is required, but a sy-
ringe needle or deburring tool can some-
times smooth the edgesespecially if the
columnwill be connected to an injection
port where a syringewill be inserted into
the endof the tubing.
1/8” and 1/16” teflon tubing
can be
useful for certainanalytes (like sulfur)
that may stick to or be absorbed by
other types of tubing. There aremany
ways to cut this tubing but we recom-
mend using either (1) aClean-cut Tub-
ingCutter (available fromGrace/Alltech)
or (2) a standard razor blade. Teflon
tubing has the advantage of being
chemicallymore inert than other tubing
types, but is limited toareaswhere the
temperature is less than180C. Teflon
tubing also tends to kink anddevelop
leaksand can deformunder pressure if
the ferrule securing it is too tight.
.1/16” teflon tubing
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