SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 498

CTR1Replacement Column for FixedGas analysis
May 2013
TheSRI “ FixedGasColumn” ( FG )
consists of two side by side columns
rather than one column inside anoth-
er. This arrangement is superior be-
cause the columns have different
bakeout temperatures andhaving
them separablemakes it easier to
bake out theMolecular Sieve column
( 300C+ )without damaging the lower
temperatureHayesep-D ( 270Cmax )
The column is suppliedwith two 12”
lengths of flexible 1/8”od nickel tubing
tomake connecting it easier and ex-
tra nuts and ferrules. We like the soft
graphite ferrules for this application
because they seal well anddonot de-
teriorate at the 300C bake-out tem-
perature. Howevermetal ferrules
can also be used.
The “ FixedGasColumn” is shown
installed in anSRI 8610CGC column
oven. There is still room for other col-
tubing, nuts 
and ferrules 
6’ Hayes‐D 
Nuts and soŌ 
graphite ferrules
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