SRI GCS Literature Detailed ex SRI website 2014 - page 502

CTR1Replacement Column for FixedGas analysis
May 2013
Shown at right is a
chromatogram of
1ml 1% gasmix
including ethylene/
acetylene and
ethane using the
80C starting tem-
perature oven pro-
Between theTCD
Methanizer CO,
CH4, CO, Ethane,
Ethyelen/Acetylene,Water, Oxygen andNi-
trogen are all resolved.
Ethylene and acetylene co-elute, but are
separated from ethane and alsowater.
Note also that the
split ratio between
the columns is
about 4:1 judging
by the area counts
of CO2 ( which
elutes from the
6’Hayesep-D col-
umn ) and theme-
thane andCO
( which elute from
the 9’MS5A col-
umn ).
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